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The crowd was huge. And I absolutely hated it.

I hadn't wanted to attend, but due to societal standards I had to. Some were dancing in the center of the room, a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling and beautiful music being played.

This was the ball that marked the beginning of the social season. Also known as when young men and women went out looking for possible partners.

Almost all women are taught from a young age that title is huge when seeing suitors. As for my family, my parents never pushed the matter on my sister's and I, but did give the gentle reminder that it could help us in the long run.

My elder sister Sunset had married after her first season, marrying the first man who had courted her. My brother had had a similar success, quickly finding a woman that liked him, not his family name.

And now it was my turn. I'd decided I wanted to have my first season at eighteen, because then it gave me a better chance at finding love. Most women get married by twenty-one. So this gave me nearly four seasons to find someone. I just hoped I'd find someone good enough. Many men in our society look for a wife that would obey their every whim, a wife that would just sit and look pretty.

I didn't want to be that. Hell some men seemed to believe women shouldn't even be intelligent, or even just be able to read. Reading was my life, possibly my greatest joy outside of drawing.

"Lilah!" Hearing my name pulled me from my mind, and I looked over to see my best friend half running towards me. I couldn't help the grin on my face as she nearly crashed into me with a hug.

Emily was almost exactly the opposite of what society wanted a woman to be. She was loud, outspoken. She was who she decided she would be. She saw no point in trying to be ladylike anyway, seeing as her father had already managed to ruin her family's name.

"Hey Em." I chuckled softly, quickly studying her. Her red hair was loose, a few small braids scattered through it, a small tiara made of dark metal and small red stones pinned to her head. Her outfit was anything but what society expected, but it fit her perfectly. She wore a deep red, the outfit fully fitted to her body with gold embellishments. She wore a piece over it, one that mimicked a sleeveless suit jacket. Long gloves hugged her arms, trimmed in gold. I then noticed the cut-outs, one on her abdomen, exposing her skin.

(There is a picture above so it's easier to see what it is lol)

"You like it?" Em grinned, brushing her hair over her shoulder.

"It's very you." I chuckled. "Though I doubt society will enjoy this."

"Well not all of us can look like princesses now can we?" She joked, looking me over. "You look amazing Li." I couldn't help the smile on my face as I looked down at myself. I wore a light purple gown, my hair braided back out of my face. A gold tiara with gems the same shade as my dress set in it. "In fact I'm amazed that you don't have a line of suitors waiting to dance with you." She teased, causing me to blush.

"Em you know me, I'm too quiet for someone to even want to approach me."

"Then c'mon, there's a couple men I saw over by the wall when I arrived, no rings or anything. They're here for women. Give it a shot Li." She grabbed my wrist. "Come with me." She smiled. "Please? They're cute too." She joked, already half dragging me over.

"I guess I don't have a choice." I snorted, shaking my head. As we grew nearer to where Em said she saw the men, I managed to catch who she'd been talking about. The two men were leaning against the wall, talking quietly. Both appeared to be around a foot taller than me, 6'4 or so. One had curly brown hair that brushed down into his face a bit. He wore glasses, and based on the way he moved his hands, he was a musician. I only knew because Emily did the same.

When I looked to the other man, I couldn't fight the blush that had begun to grow on my face. He was attractive, there was no denying that. He had almost orange coloured hair, green eyes that seemed to he somewhere between an emerald green and forest green. He seemed relaxed where he stood, a few rings sitting on his fingers. Though is ring finger was bare, most likely to ensure it was apparent he wasn't taken. The most striking part of his appearance however, was the scar that cut from above his eyebrow, over his eye and almost to his lip.

If I ever drew him, I'd know what I'd call it.

The Boy With The Scar

The Boy with the ScarWhere stories live. Discover now