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The five people got out of the jeep, eyeing the two vampires before them. Thankfully, it wasn't a noble. During Y/N's first few days here, she learned that nobles are much, much  more powerful than regular vampires. Apparently, a boy Guren helped raise, Yuichiro, had encountered and fought a noble before when he was younger. It made Y/N wonder why the hell they'd allow someone so young in the military. Even the Tri-commission was against it.

The walking corpse before them had blue hair that reminded Y/N of her priestess friend. The other was a brunet, the patch over his left eye giving her memories of Beidou, a friend of the Resistance. She shakes her head and summons her polearm. Shinya doesn't miss the sight of her touching the air before small specks of gold formed into a spear of black and green. The color scheme somewhat resembled the uniforms of junior militants. The grey-haired man looks up to the woman who didn't return his gaze, but rather past it. Her eyes remained fixated on the two men a few dozen feet in front them.

"JIDA. How exciting to have you here," the one in the eye patch starts, taking a step closer. Shinya lifts his sniper and rests his finger on the trigger. The vampire's only eye shifts over to the only person among them who wasn't in uniform. 

"What's this? Is the Japanese Imperial Demon Army picking up vermin off the streets again?" the blue-haired one speaks this time. "Don't you think she'd make a wonderful vampire? I'm sure Sir Crowley wouldn't mind seeing that face for eternity."

Y/N scoffs at the word. "Eternity?" she closes her eyes and grips the polearm tight. "Trust me, darling, I loathe eternity."

And with that, her weapon was lit ablaze.

The fight didn't last too long. There wasn't much of a fight since Y/N's fire burned them from the outside-in. Guren, Shinya and Y/N stayed on the frontlines, doing most of the work while Shigure and Goshi remained behind for back up and to keep an eye on their backs. About 15 minutes had passed during their fight since Y/N needed to get the two to stop moving if she wanted to char them properly. Despite being a part of the Resistance, the doctor rarely went on the battlefield for she had to stay back to treat the wounded.

It's exhilarating being back in action.

The predicting of her enemy's movements, the heat of the fire of both her vision and the tension, gods did she miss it. The fact that the two vampires were once human was locked away in a box in the back of the clanwoman's mind. Guren notices her staring at the ashes of the vampires. Back in Teyvat, when one perishes, they are disintegrated into nothing to be one with the elements. But it was obviously different here. Y/N was able to look away from an enemy's fading body without pity, but looking down on what she'd done. . . it felt uneasy.

"You should stop spacing out so much. Do you want to find your friends or not?" the man with amethyst eyes sighs and walks closer to her. Y/N says nothing and walks back to the jeep. Shinya from the passenger's seat snickers as Guren stepped into the vehicle.

"You're quite bad with women, Guren."

The said man simply grunts as a response. "Be quiet." Shinya smiles in a Cheshire manner and looks back to Y/N who dematerializes her polearm.

"How do you people mourn deaths here?"

Everyone looks up at this. Guren stares at her through the mirror before averting his gaze when they made eye contact. "It depends on the dead person's wish. Cremation, burial, planted with a seed or thrown to the sea. . . it's how we grieve it here." Goshi replies and rests his elbows on his knees. "Is it not the same for you?"

"Not at all," the clan head looks out, watching as the roads behind them extend. "In my world, shortly after someone's heart stops beating, they turn into dust, then nothing. There is no way to prove that someone was actually dead unless there was a witness. We cannot fulfill a person's wish like the way you do," she smiles sadly. Shinya nods in acknowledgement.

"Have you ever experienced death first-hand, miss L/N?" Goshi seemed taken aback by the silver-haired man's question but decides not to act on it as a sign of respect for his superior.

"Of course. I am a doctor. There are patients I can and cannot save--"

"I was referring to that of a loved one."

Silence filled the moving car and despite the lack of enclosure, the air felt thick. Y/N chuckles. "Yes, I have. But that's how the world works, whether its mine or yours, is it not?"

Shinya hums. "You matured at a young age, I can tell," he states, a small lace of sadness and confidence in his words. The woman he was speaking to didn't seem to be offended, which she wasn't. In fact, she felt intrigued. He can read people quite well. Before she could say anything, a loud popping noise deafens their ears.

The car comes to a screeching halt and all of them climb out of the vehicle. Y/N does so carefully. She's all too familiar with that noise. Another round of the popping comes in, alarming Shinya who raises his sniper to the direction of the sound.

"Wait," Y/N raises a fist and looks to the direction Shinya was pointing at. There's no doubt about it. Those were fireworks, and she knows one person who'd be crazy and ballsy enough to release such stuff in a place like this.

It's Yoimiya.

"Lady L/N, behind you!" that familiar voice yells, followed by an arrow of fire shooting past the group of five. Y/N was quick in dodging it, feet still planted. She looks behind her to see a few pairs of glowing red eyes in a dark building.

Two, four, six. . . there's four of them, she looks to Guren who nods and charges. Y/N looks to where Yoimiya shot from. The clanwoman smiles and turns back, watching the four vampires crash through the windows to jump down.

Shinya and Yoimiya worked surprisingly well despite not knowing each other while a feeling of relief rushed through Y/N as she burned the opposing alive. But she decided to let that get the best of her after fighting. Her fighting reminded Yoimiya of a waltz. The firework enthusiast loved being able to fight with the Yashiro commission clan heads—they always fought in such a graceful manner. Not to mention Ayaka.

Y/N's steps whenever she fought were light, but strong enough to keep her ground. The second the fourth vampire came rushing towards her, she stood still. Not out of panic, not out of anxiety. Rather because of her trust in her friend's sharpshooting.

The flaming arrow went straight through the corpse's forehead before it fell to the ground. It was about to say something else but couldn't, for the woman in front of it set it ablaze. She turns her back to look for Yoimiya, making the others do the same. The blonde was quick to plunge down and run towards the group of five, though mainly to the person she knows among them.

"Lady L/N!" she beams.


"Miya, thank gods you're alright!" the two open their arms before holding each other tight, clearly worried for each other and clearly ignoring the honorific Yoimiya had just called the noble. "Where's Kazuha and Lady Sangonomiya?" asks the worried-sick clan head, checking and twirling the younger girl's body for wounds or any type of injuries.

"I don't know, all four of us were separated when we got here," she shook her head before pausing. "Wait, how'd you know about them?"

Y/N does a double take. "What do you mean by four?"

1349 WORDS

damn ,, who that other person be tho?

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