Bravery had walked away from the game, curious as to what the other three were doing, glancing over to the sleeping area she saw the cyan soul still sleeping blissfully, a far cry from her usual hyper self and definitely unusual for the soul who was so often up first. "Well, all those extra hours were gonna catch her some time." Bravery chuckled. Moving onto finding the sapphire soul, Integrity was predictable in where she retreated to when the TV's were on, "I wish she would tell us why she doesn't like them." the orange soul mused, striding over to what the souls called the reading corner, stoping dead as she rounded the corner in the walls Sans had erected to separate the corner. Integrity was there all right, she lounged reading a book on one of the bean bags, that was what Bravery come over expecting, what caught the orange one by surprise was Integrity's appearance, she was in her physical form, her stomach bloated slightly, completely naked except for the tutu that she could not remove, her body was entirely drenched in a familiar rainbow semen, looking closer Bravery noticed the sapphire souls cum slathered legs shaking as a small amount of rainbow leaked out of her slit. "Hello, Integrity." Bravery spoke, the sapphire soul starting slightly, glancing up and setting her book down carefully, her legs quivered slightly more before she spoke."Hello Bravery, I would stand up to greet you but my legs aren't working right now." Integrity greeted, before yelping as Bravery took a finger full of the rainbow magic leaking from between her thighs, licking her finger sensually. "Hey, you want a snack, go get your own!" Integrity objected even as Bravery took another finger."Awww, but it tastes so good~" Bravery teased, licking her finger clean again to make the point."Get stuffed Bravery." Integrity retorted pulling her legs closed as Bravery went to get yet another finger."Hmmmm, not a bad idea," the orange one said, trailing her fingers over Integrity's cum soaked breasts, "maybe I will go get stuffed with magic." Bravery smirked, playing with the cum coating her fingers. "Thanks for the Idea love~" she finished, turning and walking out to find Sans, a task that would prove to be very easy, as he was sitting not far away. Bravery walked up, running her fingers along Sans' leg, suddenly, faster than she could process, she had been scooped up by the titanic skeleton, her body shifting into her physical form even as she was lifted. Sans studded the orange soul that had tried to sneak up on him, Bravery was one of the taller girls, her chocolate-colored skin highlighting her brilliant orange eyes and matching headband. Her large boobs were covered by a white tank-top and her respectable ass by tight black workout shorts, her muscled physique obvious under her clothes. "What the hell Sans," she exclaimed."Well, last time you tried sneaking up on me, I told you that the next time you did I would fuck you senseless." the skeleton said, smirking at the human as the memory caught up with her. Her eyes flashing in realization as both her clothes and his own disappeared, with a cheeky smile he pulled his hand away letting her drop. Bravery cried out as she was impaled by Sans, her voice suddenly muffled as another, smaller but no less impressive dick stuffed itself into her open mouth, her eyes flashing as she realized that Sans was using his reality-bending powers to his advantage, but before she could think any further Sans shifted, magic wrapping around her wrists and ankles pulling her fully down onto the shaft penetrating her cunt before swiftly dragging her back up all most to the tip even as the other shaft was forced down her throat. Sans watched the orange soul, letting out a groan as he completed his promise, she had adjusted to the experience, he noticed, that meant it was time to play some more. Bravery instinctively called out in pleasure as smaller tendrils started assaulting her clit and breasts as the tendrils around her wrists picked up the pace, pulling her around even faster, moaning as another shaft penetrated into her ass, the vibrations sending a wave of pleasure to Sans."Heh, didn't know you were into anal Ver~." Sans taunted, summoning several more shafts to slide along the sensitive parts of her body. Bravery's protests were cut off by her moaning and muffled by the large shaft still occupying her throat, before completely halting at Sans picked up pace yet again, another rod joining the one already occupying her cunt as more tendrils joined the ones currently assaulting her sensitive organs, more dicks sliding over her sensitive spots, her mind blanking as an earth-shattering orgasm rocketed through her body. Sans felt her body tightening around him even as he increased his speed yet again, watching her body shake as every part of her body was assaulted with increasing amounts of pleasure, her orange headband a blur as her body was moved faster than the human eye could process. Bravery was barely coming down from her high when Sans climaxed, each of his summoned shafts pumping of what felt like gallons of rainbow cum, her stomach stretching as she was completely filled from both sides. Semen splashed across her breasts, her expanding stomach covered from the outside, her face becoming obscured with a layer as it flowed down her back and all four of her limbs were drenched in the substance. Even as he came, Sans did not slow down, he had given Patience and Integrity both two shots and was convicted to do the same for Bravery, Sans continued his assault on the orange soul's body, however Bravery's rapidly tightening cunt as she came repeatedly made the second round shorter as it was barely five minutes later that he came again, filling and glazing the trembling soul with yet another layer of Rainbow liquid. Tired, Sans teleported them both to the reading corner, unsummoning all of his extra appendages except for the ones holding back the torrents of cum from spilling out of the now unconscious soul, Integrity glanced up as Sans layed the now rainbow-colored soul down."Keep an eye on her. Would ya?" Sans asked, exhaustion clear in his voice. Integrity nodded, watching as the last of Sans' magic disappeared, leaving only his cum that now coated both Integrity and now Bravery, before Sans teleported again."Well, she did say she was going to get stuffed" Integrity mused, watching her partner's cum flow out of one of her lover's bodies. "I guess that answered my question," she said with a laugh, before sitting back and continuing her book.

Love in the Void: A LewdAxeGenThought Story
RomanceSome of the chapters are being rewritten to be up to my standard, I will fill in this description once that happens. - VenomStrike77