Chapter 12 - Lucky Chase

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Mina heard the sound of another car arriving outside

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Mina heard the sound of another car arriving outside. She was currently in the back of the herbal shop, near the back door. There were no demons left there, only their ashes. She was now trying to sneak up behind the ones inside the shop, dying to give them the same treatment she’d give to the ones out back.

Her fingertips were tingling, a burning sensation that had settled as soon as she’d called forth her powers. It was always relieving when she could burn off some steam, quite literally, in her case. With the amount of sex Mina had in the past weeks, her powers were tingly, on edge and desperate to get out. This was the perfect way to let loose. Although, one week without getting any was making her grumpy.

Emily had burned the front of the shop basically to a crisp and there only two demons left. One of them was the fucker that had attempted to tie her up and had gotten a good whiff of her smell. Key word ‘attempted’, Amelia had interrupted.

Grinning evilly, Mina formed a large flame on her palm, the rush of heat flowing through her chest, and then took a step forward.

“That fucking bloodsucker probably called more of them.” One of them grumbled, grabbing on to his left arm, that was currently in a very bad state of burned.

Mina looked outside, spotting the newly arrived SUV in front, from where Jin and the rest of the guys were getting out of. Yeah, Yoongi must have called his brothers.

Oh, there he was… Jimin. Damn, what a treat to the eye he was. And, granted, she never really got excited over men, anymore. Maybe one would appear that Mina would focus and be interested in. But men all really looked, and felt, the same after so many years. Jimin, though? Holy shit!

Mina almost lost focus on the task at hand, nearly forgetting the two dickheads in front of her and the fire she had begun to create in her own palm.

With a gesture, she lit the floor on fire and lead the flames to where the demons were, willing them to then grow stronger and hotter as soon as the flames touched skin.

The demons, that were disguised as men, got up fast from the ground and shouted in pain, beginning to contort in agony as the wildfire consumed them whole. Mina simply watched with a slight grin on her lips, taking pleasure in the fact that these guys may have hurt Amelia with their own hands.
Right, speaking of that…

Mina eased the flames that were nearly done eating away at the demons and got close to the one that had ordered the others around, assuming he might be the leader. She grabbed the son of a bitch by the neck, hand touching the heated, exposed flesh and squeezing.

“I’ll be quite fast, since I was having fun seeing you squirm around. I’m looking for one of you fuckers that has a Witch’s powers in their possession… Where is he?” She spoke, voice lowering.

The demon scrunched his face, drawing on a sickening smile, jet black eyes glistening with a cruelty that could make anyone grow sick.

“They’ll find you, whore…”

Mina smiled. Of course he wouldn’t talk.

She dropped his heavy body back on the ground and gestured for the flames to grow back and his yells increased in octave before a gurgling sound was the last thing that came out of him and his body slowly began to degrade into a thin layer of ashes. Since the second guy had already kicked the bucket, Mina allowed the flames to finally die down before stepping out of the store.

Jin was speaking with Yoongi already, maybe trying to assess the situation, and Jungkook was jogging over to Amelia, a look of intense worry in his eyes.

She noticed Jimin looking over at her in concern. Well, that felt nice.

“Well, we’re off to a good start, aren’t we?” Mina said, a sarcastic tone in her voice that had Emily, as always, glare at her.

“What the hell happened?” Jin demanded, eyeing the burned store.

“Well, you see, I’m not really into being tied up, and then Yoongi called them dumb and that was when Amelia went Rambo on them bitches and headshot them. The flames came later, don’t ask- ”

As soon as Mina was done speaking, a large explosion was heard coming from the side of the herbal store. There were several curses from the vampires, Emily brought her hand to her own forehead and Jungkook used himself as a shield to cover Amelia, who Mina could see was trying hard not to laugh. For a second there, the beautiful mischievous glint in her eyes returned.

“I don’t think that was me…” Mina defended, looking at the massive cloud of smoke. That was when a light bulb went off in her head “Oh, the explosive leaves!”

Both Emily and Amelia did a little ‘Oh’ of enlightenment, remembering the little bright red leaves Luna always had around and that exploded when exposed to very high temperatures. Those were a pain in the butt to have around in the summer.

“You guys are a mess…” Namjoon said, a playful smile dancing on his lips.

“Well, I'm offended.” Mina joked, crossing her arms and turning away from Namjoon.

Her eyes began to thoroughly inspect the place, thinking that Luna would probably go a little crazy over her beloved store being destroyed. Thankfully, Mina knew that all the things Luna kept here were only a little sample of things, since the Alchemist kept all of her belongings in a well-hidden cabin in the Scandinavian woods. She only hoped that was where Luna was, safe and oblivious to what was happening here.

She scanned the place, aware of the conversation happening behind her.

“I guess we can only keep trying to get in touch with Luna. Hopefully, she’s alright.” Emily said.

“Do you have any idea who these guys were?” Jin asked to Yoongi.

“Maybe a smaller group. They weren’t that strong. And they knew that eventually someone would turn up around here. One of them even mentioned the 'little Alchemist bait'? I'm guessing that’s Luna?”

Emily confirmed.

“That doesn’t tell us if they have her or not.” Hoseok cut in, leaning on the car.
Mina thought about it… Hoseok was right, just because they said that it didn’t mean Luna was in their possession. It mainly meant the demons knew that someone would end up showing up to her place. And most definitely were expecting Witches to show up.

Her blue eyes looked up to the building.

It had also been a possibility that these guys weren’t at all related to what happened to Amelia. But then the demon Mina questioned had said 'they' would find her. Her? Mina?

Movement on the rooftop of the building had her eyes focus on it, only to panic when she saw a man hiding there, sniper aiming and engaged to where the group was, standing on the street. Her head whipped around, following the direction of the weapon, and instantly her eyes fell on the back of Amelia, that was oblivious to what was about to happen.

When she looked back at the guy, she saw him hug his finger on the trigger…
Mina barely had time to react.

“Fuck… Amelia, get down- Ah!”

Her hands had pushed Amelia’s smaller figure out of the way, positioning herself in front of the girl. There were a couple shouts when the gunshot was heard, from who she couldn’t tell. Mina yelped when the bullet hit her shoulder blade, falling on her knees with the strength of the hit.

“MINA!!” Emily yelled, her hands coming to her sister’s arms, steadying her and trying to make sure her sister was alright.

“Rooftop, he was trying to hit Amelia!” Mina shouted, hand reaching for the wound in the back of her shoulder.

“Taehyung, Namjoon! On him!” Jin demanded, kneeling in front of the redhead “Mina, you okay?”

Amelia had started to move aside Mina's ginger mane so she could look at the wound.

“I'm fine…” The Witch mumbled, only to have her eyes roll to the back of her head, groaning in pain.

“Fuck, that bullet had Witch's flower.” Amelia announced, seeing the skin around the bullet turn an alarming shade of purple.

Mina let out a painful moan, body going limp as the pain started to throb through her shoulder and neck.

At that moment, Taehyung and Namjoon showed up again.

“He managed to get away through the roofs and then out the back of a building. He's in a black sedan. We can still catch up to him.” Taehyung said, nearing the SUV they had arrived in.

“She needs to go back to the mansion and have the bullet removed.” Amelia said, looking at Jin now.

“Alright, Jimin, take Mina to the mansion. We'll follow the guy and see if he ends up leading us to the rest of the group.” Jin ordered, getting up to start organizing the guys.

“I’m taking you home as well- ” Jungkook strictly said, starting to drag Amelia to the Jeep.

“Like hell you are! I'm killing the motherfucker that did this to Mina!” She retorted, slipping away from his grasp and going towards the SUV.

Jungkook was a little dumbfounded for a second, until he felt Yoongi’s hand on his shoulder.

“Ya girl’s gonna be fine, my guy, she’s no princess.” He said, grinning a bit and then turning to Jimin to throw the keys of the Jeep at him “Take the Jeep with you, it’s faster.”

Jungkook grumbled but ended up following Amelia to the car, where Namjoon was eyeing her.

Jimin slowly and carefully began to collect Mina’s body from the ground. Emily was frantic, eyes filling with tears in a panic while looking over her sister.

“I need you to go… with Amelia.” Mina grunted out, closing her eyes tightly when another sharp ache hit her shoulder.

“But- “

“Emily.” Mina’s voice was demanding and authoritarian, now “Go with Amelia. Now. I'll be fine.”

The brunette nodded meekly and then leaned in to kiss her twin's cheek before getting up. Jimin then carried Mina to the Jeep, placing her body carefully on the passenger seat and then running to the other side so he could enter the vehicle.

“Jimin!” He peeked his head out from the top to look at Emily “Take care of my sister.”

He nodded with determination and then entered the car to engage and drive off as fast as possible.

Emily watched the Jeep move away from the alley way, at the same time Jin turned on the SUV and began to drive off, following Namjoon's directions to where the demon had scurried off to.
Seeing how Emily was shaking and frowning in worry, Amelia slid her hand to Emily’s, squeezing reassuringly.

“She’ll be okay.”

Emily could only nod, the pain in her own shoulder not subsiding and only serving to remind her that her sister was in pain and Emily wasn’t there with her.

“There! That’s the guy!” Namjoon yelled, pointing at a black vehicle, three cars ahead of them.

Jin accelerated, hands changing gears quickly as he surpassed the cars in front and started tailing behind the guy.

“Uh… I don’t like to be that person, but I think we’re being followed too.” Hoseok said, his eyes focused on the road behind.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Yoongi grumbled, studying the car behind them.

“I thought you said the guy was alone, Joon!” Jin shouted, turning left behind the guy in front.

“He was, I didn’t see anyone else with him!” Namjoon defended.

There were a couple curses from the other guys, and Amelia looked behind, to the car behind them. Right now they were leaving the town behind, entering the more rural side of it, full of farm fields, trees and barns. And that was the cue for one guy, the one that was in the passenger seat, in the car that was following Jin's SUV, to extend his arm out of the window, gun in hand.

“Jin, is this car armored?” Amelia asked, eyes still focused on the gun pointing at them.

“Not really, why?”

“We’re about to get shot at… Shit, Hoseok get low!” Amelia pulled Hoseok low on the seat, Emily ducking as well and being shielded by Yoongi.

She saw Jungkook look behind, at her, worried to death. She sent him a little okay with her thumb, even if that wasn’t enough to rest him.

When another gunshot was heard, Amelia winced when she felt it hit the flank of the car. Her eyes shot upwards, to the roof of the car, spotting the wide window on it. An idea came to mind…

“Amelia, Jimin is calling!” Namjoon shouted, extending his phone back to her.

She picked up the call and placed it on speaker, figuring Emily would like to speak to him too.

“Jimin, it’s Amelia, what’s wrong?”

“I’m a little lost, here. The pain keeps getting worse!” He replied back.

“You have to suck out the poison from the wound and then remove the bullet.” Emily almost yelled into the phone, ducking again when another gunshot hit the back of the car.

“Shouldn’t I go to a hospital for that- “

“No hospitals!”

Amelia, Emily and Jin's shout was so loud the whole car stayed silent for a second.

“Alright, point taken! Is there anything I can give her for the pain to stop?”

“It’ll ease when the bullet’s out- Oh, shit!” Jin suddenly yawed to the left, causing everyone I’m the car to almost backflip. Amelia grabbed hold of the phone better “Water!”


“Water purifies, it should help with the pain. I have to go, bye!” Amelia threw the phone back at Namjoon and promptly stood up in the car, reaching for the window “Jin, open this for me!”

Emily frowned and then went wide eyed in alarm when she saw Amelia pull out the gun she'd been caring.

“What in the hell are you doing?!” The Witch shouted, watching in a bit of a panic as Amelia began to crawl upward, to the roof of the car.

“Getting rid of them.”

“Wait!” Yoongi yelled, reaching for the back of the car, where he opened a slot and pulled out a shotgun “Can you use this?”

Amelia grinned “Who do you take me for?”

“I’ll keep your ammo up.”

“Don’t encourage her!” Emily shot back, annoyed at their antics.

There were a couple snorts and some chuckling but they all died down when they saw Amelia climb up the roof to sit there, her feet supported on the ledge of it.

“Fuck, I didn’t think she was serious…” Namjoon said, looking up.

Jungkook almost had a heart attack when he saw Amelia up there, engaging the shotgun Yoongi had just given her. He couldn’t tell if he wanted to slap the idiot or yell at Amelia for doing something so reckless.

“Em!!” Amelia shouted, aiming neatly at the car in the back “Protect the car!”

Emily grumbled under her breath but brought her hands together, tattoos already glowing bright blue and eyes steady as she whispered something under her breath. Yoongi heard Hoseok curse in awe as he looked at the brunette, surprised. Right, probably none of the guys had seen a Witch in action. Emily turned her palms on each other and then extended her arms toward the doors on the side, which caused a wave of blue ribbon like streams to surround the whole car for a second.

Up on the roof, Amelia shot the first time, the recoil of the gun snapping her shoulder back sharply. Well, this didn’t usually hurt this much. The first bullet hit the windshield, shattering it to pieces.

“Holy fuck, she's good!” Hoseok yelled, an impressed smile drawing on his lips as he looked back at the road behind them.

Engaging the gun one more time, an empty cartridge flying out, Amelia aimed sharply again, this time at the fucker on the passenger seat. He was aiming back at her, firing incessantly. The difference between both was, his shots weren’t going to hit. Amelia grinned amusingly, pulling the trigger and watching it hit his chest perfectly, his body instantly turning to ashes.

Yoongi smiled when he saw the demon disintegrate, but his smile quickly fell when he saw, by the corner of his eye, Emily stretch out her arm to the door and open it swiftly.

“Emily, the hell?” He asked, grabbing on to her arm as she leaned to the asphalt of the road, hand hovering. If she so happened to fall, the end result would be ugly, considering Jin's speed.

“I’m just warming them up…” She mumbled, the hand that hovered above the asphalt glowing from the bright light on her wrists.

Hoseok looked back at the road, where another shot from Amelia hit the car, that yawed to the side. Instead of her bullet hitting the driver like it should, it went straight to the backseat, exploding the fabric and its stuffing. Amelia seemed annoyed.

“Ah, that little…”

She was barely done speaking when the tires from the car behind them exploded, probably from the heat Emily had incorporated on the ground.

When Emily attempted to get up, the hand she was using to support herself on the door of the car slipped and she nearly landed face first on the road. Steady hands gripped her shoulders, firmly pulling her back inside the car. Her hands grabbed hold of the nearest thing they could find, which turned out to be Yoongi’s thighs. Her back came in contact with his chest as well, his arms surrounding her safely.

“That would have been a little painful.” He grumbled near her ear, lips pulling into a smile when he felt the soft peachy scent in her. She blushed harshly.

“Need more cartridges?” Hoseok shouted at Amelia, reaching for the ammo.

Amelia nodded and reached down, grabbing the ammo Hoseok was extending her way. Right now, Jin was arguing with Namjoon about the fact they had no idea if the guy would even lead them to the rest of the gang. Taehyung hadn’t yet spoke a single word, frowning most of the time and only helping with what was needed.
Emily had separated from Yoongi and was now looking at Amelia.

“Who in all hell taught you how to shoot a gun?!” Emily questioned, one hand on her hip.

“Luna taught me.” Amelia replied, aiming and firing one last time.

Emily scoffed and shook her head “Luna did… Of course Luna did.”

The last fire hit the demon driving on the shoulder.

“This motherfucker needs to stop moving around- Oh, shit, he's changing!” Amelia shouted, having everyone, except Jin, look back at the car behind them.

The demon driving the car shifted, skin becoming paler and the bones in his body starting to snap, cracking and shifting. He hunched over the steering wheel, crawling over the hood of the car, hands now skeleton like and with black sharp claws that scratched against the metal of the hood. His face had also turned to his actual form, with sharp teeth showing.

Amelia got out of her daze, engaging the shotgun first and then aiming at the demon. And just as his bat like wings ripped from underneath his already torn shirt, the thin skin glowing red from the sun, Amelia pulled the trigger. The shot hit straight to the chest, the demon instantly screeching and his body fragmenting into ashes.

“Em, light it up!”

To Amelia’s shot, Emily peeked out from the open door again, gesturing towards the car with her hand and breathing out some sort of spell. The sound of the explosion startled everyone in the car, some of the guys flinching and cursing.

“Holy shit…” Taehyung mumbled, frowning as he looked up to where Amelia was looking at the leftovers of the car that had chased them and the floating ashes of the demon being carried out in the wind.

A smiled formed in her mouth. It was the most beautiful thing Taehyung had ever seen, and Jungkook definitely missed this. There was mischief in her dark eyes, a life he had yet to see in her expression, and that made her look healthier. It almost made it seem like death wasn’t chasing after her.

And that spark of life, that only lasted for a mere second or two, turned her into the most beautiful person he had set eyes on. Amelia was beautiful…

Happy with her work, Amelia brought her legs down and hopped back inside the car. She noticed Taehyung staring and ignored him promptly, throwing the shotgun to the back, where Yoongi had taken her out from. As soon as she settled in the backseat, Amelia met Emily’s blue eyes, glaring at her disapprovingly.

“Really? Luna taught you? Why?”

“I was curious, she was happy to help. Aren’t you glad I was useful?”

“Girls, sorry to interrupt… This dumbass of a demon did lead us somewhere.” Jin announced, making everyone look forward, where the black sedan was turning towards an old looking warehouse.

“He’s not that much of a dumbass, if there’s more inside it’s like walking into the lion’s den.” Yoongi said, examining the rundown place.

“I don’t think he’d bring us here if the place was empty.” Taehyung grumbled.

~Sass 😘

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