Day 5 : Letters ... my cute admirer

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Prompt of the day: Letters

Ships: Therapist Green Steve x Sabre
Type of one shot/short story: fluff-cute-wholesome-platonic/romantic???
Idea: Sabre is Theras/therapists secret Admirer one day Thera finds out and decides to catch him in action.
Therapist Green

I was looking over the small envelopes on my desk all wrote by Sabre i had figured out. I don't know why and how long it took me to figure it out.

Through i did, one hour ago... after i reread all the letters and one information board later including scribbled pages full of clues or doodles in my notebook. Now thinking about it it was so.. literal obvious that it was him so was writing these.

He especially had this neat writing and calligraphy it was beautiful. He clearly put in some soul into these there's no mistake from what i see.. or that player is literal death magic of some kind.

Luckily i just had figured it out in time to also figure out when he could've even put in my mail these letters. And concluded it was either late at night or when i was out.

Currently it was pretty late and I would've gone to sleep if I didn't want to take him by surprise so badly at least especially after i had figured out it was him. I concluded this was one of my deepest sleeping hours..

quite interesting to say but also pretty creepy. Soon hearing shuffling outside and rustling of the trees branches and or bushes , I pulled on a long hoodie and grabbed my dim lit lantern now slowly made my way downstairs.

Trying to not make too much noise i soon came up to my front door and looked out one of the windows quietly to see. Who i was exactly expecting and guessed to be.

A shorter player dark brown hair tied up in a bun , in pretty daytime like clothes.. did he have insomnia or something like that to wear clothes of daytime..? Never mind! For now at least..

I'll go sneak out and wait for him to go down the path , i think that's where he came from at least... let's hope at least!

Making my way in my basement which you could still access from outside or inside because of the stairs and door i went outside quickly.

The harsh but sound wind covering up the small creek my dark wooden door had made. Soon putting my lantern close to be just enough to navigate but also not bring up any suspicion to Sabre so quickly at least.

I started walking down and saw my path finish just as i started hearing walking the rubble and pebbles making small noise under Sabres feet walking confirming my earlier suspicion.

I put my lantern out somewhat to make it look like i was out on a walk and started walking forward soon coming face to face to him almost.


I shortly started making my way down the path so I could teleport without alerting Thera who was asleep. Just to abruptly come across them freezing at the sight of them. They just only tilted their head looking at me cooing out.

"Sabre? Dear are you alright? Shouldn't you be home by now and asleep?"

He had asked me sweetly almost making me die just from those sweet words. Looking away quickly as i moved my hand to rub my neck I said.

"N-nope! Came out from a stroll in the far woods got distracted and figured out i was in your f-forest! That's all chief hahah!"

I laughed awkwardly looking at him and away , back and forth.

He just smiled brightly and walked forward putting a arm around me and pulling me into his hold.

"Well , if you needed a place to stay you could've just waited or gone inside I wouldn't have minded , you must be freezing from that intense walk huh? Come on , I'd rather not have you be sick tomorrow. Let's go to my house you can sleep the night away and go back to the village in the morning! Don't you worry."

He said cheerfully as he soon started walking to his house while i followed blindly I couldn't exactly reject after the lie i had spat out. Wouldn't really make sense to do so especially to a Green Steve who literally knew almost everything about health mainly.

After we had gotten there he seemed to check his mail box and pull out the letter i had slipped in earlier as i watched him. He realized i was starring and said.

"Ah! See i have a secret admirer and I've decided to try and figure out who they are."

Making me stiffen up a bit before nodding slowly forcing myself to gulp down the feelings telling him to continue.

"I must say! They have beautiful writing and they seem very sweet. In all honesty I can't wait to meet them. But , now now come on let's get inside, I'll prepare you some hot chocolate milk and a blanket near the fireplace."

He continued on as he walked forward and pushed open the door for me. Waiting for me to walk in so i did and went up to his living room to sit down while Thera turned on the lights and set the letter down on the couch.

Telling me to wait a second and i did soon watching him come back with a cup of hot milk including a blanket as he after threw in some more logs and firewood in the fireplace to keep it going and be much cozier.

Sitting down next to me he opened up the envelope and read it. To soon only just coo and look up at me.

"You're a really cute secret admirer you know that?"

He asked me and i just nodded before I registered what he said and looked at him in shock to only see him smirk seeing me in that unpleasant state.

"You're my cute admirer Sabre..."

And this is it! I do hope i have an opportunity in a future prompt to maybe actually continue this if i may.

Challange Prompts for the writing competition | by AllyC45Where stories live. Discover now