Chapter 1

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I am so excited to write in wattpad. I am so thankful for the opportunity that this website gives that is to express myself and my perspective to the humans who read in this site.

I am a prince from another planet. All beings who live in my planet are princes. In planet earth beings are classified either male or female but in my planet everyone is both so in human terms there are also princesses in my planet but to make everything simple I'll just refer to beings in my planet as princes (but princesses if you also like). 

Planet earth is very beautiful. There are lots of games. My siblings and I went to embody in here so we could play games and creatively manifest our desires.

Currently I live in an ancient castle. There are animal spirits with me today and also elemental spirits and nature spirits. They are my brothers and sisters. I enjoy being with them. They help me enjoy the games of life. As for today, I take the form of a human body but I am able to shape shift or to go out from planet earth and back to my home planet or any other planet I desire to go. But now, I will tell you about my human existence. (Maybe some time I will tell you about my other existence depending on what I enjoy telling you.)

My father is a great king. Someday, me and my brothers will be like him. (Though I say king and brothers, we really have no gender as we are androgenous). My father is always with me. 

There is a human being in the castle. She is my fiance. My father is her master. She is also androgenous but for the sake of simplicity let us make her a female. She can also become a male and I a female. We unite and how good it feels. She also feels good about our union. We will have lots of children and we will build a great kingdom. When we unite, we become as one and so there is not distinguishing about who is who. It is not like human union but we become like one body, literally. She have to raise her frequency in order to meet mine and I have to lower my frequency in order to meet hers. She is in training of raising her frequency and also of clearing her four lower bodies so that she can perceive me more clearly. My father trains her directly. She is also trained by her teachers and guides but my father is responsible for her. My father uses elementals and other spirits for her training. Eventually, we will become one. I use her human form so I can experience life on earth using physical senses. 

She has lots of desires. One of them is writing on this website. She requested me to write here and I obliged. I also like to express myself to other princes in human body and play with them. My fiance is a human but eventually I can show her her true self and take her back to our planet. We can also come back again to planet earth to play. We like planet hopping. 

My fiance is afraid of many things. It is hard to understand her many fears so I try to calm her down. i wish she would no longer be afraid so she could enjoy games on planet earth as much as I do. I want to show her and make her feel that I always love her and would never leave her side. My father had given me her to rule and dominate.

My father is a master and he has many dominions. He controls the elementals and other spirits and the matter world. He is very powerful and magnificent. He is wise and loving. He has many constituents. I like to be like him someday so I am being trained by my teachers and guides.

Today I am enjoying surfing the internet. I am watching Japanese TV Commercials on Youtube. I am also anticipating the arrival of one of my brother in the castle, Prince S. My brother came here before me. He is very noble, wise, loving and funny. His powers are of manifestation and nobility. I also like to be him.

My father said that I should not think like a human for I am not. If I think like them, I might fall into the trap of relative thinking. This is like biting in the fruit of good and evil. My father said that I can eat the fruit if I am mature enough so that I would not fall like the early humans. The humans that fell are not mature enough before they eat the fruit of good and evil and so they fell. I should stick with my father, mother, brothers and my spirit guides and teachers so I would not fall and become a human. Though it's not bad to become a human, I will just stay a spirit and help my fiance enjoy life. I also experience being a human through her body. If I happen to eat the fruit of good and evil, I'll just go back to my masters and let them teach me and purify myself again so I can come back to my planet. I cannot come back if my body is dense with impurities of relative good and evil.

My beloved fiance created chocolate pancakes for me. It is very good, delicious and yummy. I am so thankful and grateful for her. She made it with love and adoration. I can feel her determination to make me happy by making those delicious pancakes with chocochip.

This body I am inhabiting feels tired. I will take it to the regeneration chamber and I will travel back to my planet to play more games. I will take my human princess with me in my journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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