Chapter 17

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I could feel Angela trembling beside me as we waited for my parents and aunt and uncle to make their way down the sidewalk towards us. They knew that she would be stopping by and I did my best to prep my mom so she didn’t scare Angela away, but it was pretty much in God’s hands now. Don’t get me wrong, my mom is thrilled that I met somebody. She might know more about my new love interest than I do because Strawberry is Strawberry. How else was she going to occupy herself while Dad and I were packing up my apartment for the last week?

“I’ve got you, Blondie, everything is going to be just fine,” I whisper into her ear. She gives me a weak smile, one that doesn’t convince me that she’s feeling the same way. My only saving grace here is that Stan already knows Angela so there is a familiar face in the group of new people.

“There she is!” My mom smiles as she approaches us. I try to send her telepathic messages to cool her jets, but it doesn’t work one bit. She uses her small frame to push me out of the way and hugs a very surprised Angela. “We’ve been expecting you all evening, I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Oh,” Angela tries to regain her composure, “I’m happy to be here too, Mrs. Thatcher. It is nice to finally meet you.”

Mom waves her off with a scuff, “Mrs. Thatcher is way too formal. You can call me Maxine.”

“Okay, Maxine it is then.”

Mom pulls my dad’s arm over and Angela nervously puts her hand out to shake his. I can tell she’s second-guessing if he’s going to go in for a hug too, but my dad isn’t that kind of person. “Hi, Mr. Thatcher. My name is Angela, it is nice to meet you.”

Dad returns her handshake with a genuine smile, “Nice to meet you as well, Angela. The name is Gregory.”

“So, now that introductions are done,” I tuck Angela back safely next to my side, “I’m going to go give her the grand tour now.”

“Good idea, Son. I was just telling your mom and Stan and Virginia that we should let you kids have some time this evening since most of the moving is done.”

“Oh don’t be silly, Dear,” Mom replies to Dad, “We could order take out and everybody could stay for Harrison’s first night as a Strawberry resident.”

“That’s not necessary, Mom.”

“We’re not doing that, Maxi.” Mom huffs when Dad reaches for her hand and moves her towards the direction of the car. He winks over his shoulder at me and I give him a nod for doing me a solid If my mom had her way I wouldn’t be out of her sight for at least the next six months. It’s been years since I had to deal with my mom’s daily dose of overbearing. I missed it, but right now is not the time I want to be hanging out with my mom and dad.

“We’re going to head out as well,” Stan says after hugging Angela and introducing her to his wife. Stan and Angela have gotten to know each other since he owns the only hardware and home improvement store in Strawberry. Angela made it a point to go through Stan first before checking online or through any larger box stores.

The more and more I hear about the small things she’s doing to support this town, the more I am attracted to her. Angela is a pure kindness that doesn’t come around all the time. I want to package her up and protect that heart of hers at all costs.

“Blair, are you staying?” We didn’t make very many plans for tonight, I just knew I needed a few extra hands getting my bed, dresser, and couch in the apartment. Dalton was a big help and Blair’s used to heavy lifting since she works at the hardware store as well. I haven’t had the chance to spend a lot of alone time with Angela though. Hell, we haven’t even shared a proper kiss. As much as I have loved reconnecting with my cousin and I knew she’s good friends with Angela, I really need some alone time right now.

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