One Step Ahead -Sherlock

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You hated him , he was the very reason you had chosen this life . You no longer wanted to be apart of him . Even the name ' William '  made your blood boil .

*9 years later * 

You had just finished up torturing the guy your 'contractor'  had payed you to get information out of . You looked back at your work and marveled at the severity of the damage that had been done . You heard a ringing noise coming from your phone , you answered it , you smirked as you knew who it already was .....

Italics = you 

"Hello , Y/n."

"Well hello....Moriarty , to what do I owe the pleasure,"

Well someones in a good mood, " 

You could hear him chuckling on the other end , you honestly found it really annoying , he sounded like a leprechaun .  

''Lets cut the chit-chat  , the guy you ordered me to get information out of  , only said one thing .... '221b Baker Street' , that's all I could get from him before he passed out ,''

"Great work ... now I want you to go there in 2 days and try not to make direct contact with the residents ."

"But- sir - " 

" You want your money or not ?"

After long consderation you eventually agreed , if he wanted to play dirty , you would too .

You smirked 

"I want a 10% increase , you know you wont find anyone better than me ."

"Fine , but I want that information , I will do anything and everything to get it . "

He ended the call immediately after , god he was creepy . You sighed , this was going to be a long day . You looked up the address on your phone and found out that it was in London .Great , you thought ,  It was 3 hours away , so that meant you would have to get up extra early if you wanted to set up in the apartment next to theirs , so you could keep an eye on them . 

You started packing your things, only the necessities , a pistol , knife , sniper rifle , batton , oh and of course ice-cream. Once you had finished packing you decided that it was time to eat ( well you didn't decide , your stomach did ;)).

You decided to eat pot noodles , since your fridge was practically empty , except from the moldy milk left in the back corner.  You desperately needed to go grocery shopping .

*Time Skip :1 and 1/2 days later *

It was time to finally leave , It was 7am , you at least needed to be there by 12am , that meant you had 1 hour to set up and 1 hour to roam around. You hopped into your car , putting your luggage next to you . You were now headed to a train station , the reason being was that you didnt want anyone to recongnise your car or memorize your number plate , it would make catching and tracing you easier . 

*3 hours later , cause im lazy*

Once you had arrived in London you immediately looked for a taxi or 'cabbie' as the 'londoner's' called it . You got in the taxi and told them the address , 224a Baker street . You arrived ,it was fairly big , not as big as your apartment tho , you locked the door as soon as you had took your luggage in . You then proceded to hide you weapons around the space , just in case . At a bedroom window that looked nearly directly in to the 'residents' home , you had set up a sniper riffle . Luckily , your apartment could look into theirs , but they couldnt see you , making you practically invisible . 

y/h/c= Your hair colour      y/e/c= Your eye colour                                                     y/f/f= Your favorite food                  y/fk/n= Your fake name 

After setting up everything , which only took roughly about 30 minutes ( mainly finding good hidding and access points ) , you decided to walk around london , obviously under a different persona , your y/h/c hair was no longer y/h/c , your y/e/c was no longer y/e/c , you swapped your I.D to your matching persona . Once you were done getting ready , you finally headed out and made sure to lock your door . You decided to go to the local chippy and get some food since you were starving . You ordered some y/f/f , and patiently waited . When it was done you payed and thanked the server . You decided you would eat at home , since it was nearly 12am .

You reached the door of your house and unlocked it , you quickly analyzed your surroundings , nothing was out of place , you sighed in relief . You immediately locked the door and took your shoes and coat off and headed straight to the bedroom . You arrived and looked through the scope of your sniper and saw ... someone playing ....a... violin . 'Wait a violin , why is Moriarty hunting down a musician ?'-  You kept watch and there was nothing interesting going on . After a while the man stopped and seemed to be heading to what looked like stairs . 'bedroom , maybe , going somewhere?' - you thought as you watched him ascend the stairs . After what seemed like forever , the man came down with a suit on . He then headed towards the exit of his building . 'shit , cant lose him , but keep s good distance , dont get noticed ' - you took note as you rushed towards the door trying to head out as quickly as you could .

The chase is on ...

A/N : Hi  , hope you're all doing well.... As you probably know , for those who have read this . ThIS is MY FiRSt BooK .. hope you all enjoy and do expect more and a part 2 for this one-shot ...  ;)))))) Also , sorry for the awful grammer and horendous spelling ( probably spelt that wrong lol ) . See you soon .... hopefully ...... 

Bye .



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