Chapter 5 Luna

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I fell asleep within an hour of going to bed, after reading for a while. Evelyn was awake, but Sky was already asleep. After I fell asleep, I started dreaming. I was standing in front of a mirror, but the reflection looking back at me, wasn't me. It was a demon of some sort. Next, the mirror showed Alex, both of his wings out, but one of them looked bloodied. Next was Evelyn, with her claws out and they had blood on them.

Had Evelyn done this...? No, she wouldn't! I was a little disappointed in myself at the mere thought of thinking Evelyn would do that. Just then, a figure appeared behind what was now me in the mirror. I spun around to see a hooded figure.

"Hello, Luna," the figure said menacingly. I assumed it was a man from the sound of its voice.

"How do you know my name!"

"I have ways. And I have something for you. A gift, a riddle."

"A riddle?"

"Yes, you are smart, Luna. I expect you to solve it."

"And if I don't?"

"Just a helpful hint," the man shrugged.

"Okay? Let's hear it then."

"Someone will disappear soon. Come and get them if you must, but these sharp claws will not be held back. These claws are harmful you see, for, in a final showdown, someone might lose something dear. Fire is needed as well. It can harm mentally and physically but sometimes is necessary for survival. Remove the fire and someone might suffer, so be careful of what you choose."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It's a riddle you idiot, figure it out!"

"That isn't a riddle! It doesn't rhyme!" I protested.

"Riddles don't have to rhyme," the man argued.

"Yeah, but all the good ones do."

"Fine, then this isn't a good one. You don't even have to listen if you don't want to. If you want, just wake up."

"Fine, I'll solve your stupid riddle," I groaned, "But I still don't think it's a good riddle if it doesn't rhyme!" I kept thinking but I couldn't figure it out. Who was going to disappear? Sharp claws won't be held back? Losing something? Or what about fire being needed too? Why would we have fire? I kept thinking, and thinking but I couldn't figure it out.

"I don't know what any of this means!"

Before the figure answered, I woke up to Evelyn saying, "Luna! Wake up! You okay?"

"What? Oh, yeah, why?"

"I heard you yelling that you didn't know what any of this meant. What didn't you understand, and don't say nothing. I want an answer."

"It doesn't matter. I'm fine."

"What was it? I'm sure it does matter."

"No, it doesn't! I'm getting up, I don't care what you do.

"I will too."

"Okay, but I'm getting ready for school and then I'm going to start packing for the journey to fight Shadow then I'll finish tonight, you should do the same."


As I got ready for school, I took off the necklace and left it on the dresser. I decided that I would put it on when I get home. I knew that I shouldn't wear it to school, people would probably notice and ask. I groaned, realizing that the teachers would probably give me detention until the end of the school year. I'll just ask for lunch detention instead because it's my turn to pick Everett up this week.

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