kiss me (like you wanna be loved) ➳ peter parker

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hey everyone who still follows this book! here's a tom!peter blurb with a f!reader.
as always, I hope you enjoy, and don't forget to vote and comment!

it was the first day of school, and it was raining.

thunder resounded throughout the sky, lightning flashed against the windows of the bus. peter was slumped in his bus seat, watching the raindrops cascade down the window. he brushed his damp curls back from his forehead with a sigh, waiting impatiently for the bus to pull up to your stop. his phone buzzed with a text, and he picked it up eagerly, heart deflating a little at ned's name.

hey man, i'm running late and won't be able to make the bus. sorry! see you at school :)

and sure, peter was disappointed, but that paled in comparison to the thought of seeing you again. only a few minutes now. the bus was almost at your stop. he only had to wait a few minutes longer.

a few minutes too long, he thought in a sulk. you'd been on a trip with your family during the summer holidays, so he was aching to catch up with you and share his ideas for a new suit. he smiled wide, unable to contain his excitement. just a few minutes longer.

and then, there you were. all bright eyes and water drops on lashes, his midtown sweater pulled over your fingertips. a shaky inhale, a widening of the eyes, a perfect image of shock as he stared. he had only two thoughts; holycrapshe'sreallypretty rushed in first, then amused, so that's where my sweater went. but did he mind?

a quick bound up the steps, a rush to where he was sitting and down you sat, brushing against his arm and leaving goosebumps in your wake. "so, pete, i was thinking. you know how you were talking about your suit before the holidays? well, i, uh, actually had some ideas, if that's okay with you, of course. i mean, what if we added, like, spider legs that came out from the back? unless that's silly, I mean—"

had you recently cut your hair? it looked shorter than he remembered. was that a new backpack? but surely your hamilton one wasn't too scuffed... were you wearing mismatched socks? yes, that was it. he sighed, relieved to have recognised the change.

"pete?" he blinked back to reality, and you were staring up at him, head tilted and hair flat from the rain.

"i, uh... you just look really pretty today" came out in a single breath, and he had to take a deep inhale to catch his breath. there, he said it. no take backs. but he couldn't bring himself to care—you had never looked so beautiful.

slowly, cautiously, with a tint to your cheeks, you pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. "thanks."

"hey! get off the bus, damned kids!" the driver yelled, gesturing for them to get off. you both blinked in surprise, noticing the now empty seats and midtown school of science and technology outside the window.

"i guess we'd better get going," peter suggested. his confidence had evaporated with the rain, and his tone was awkward now.

"that'd be nice, yeah." you slid out of your seat and held out your hand, smiling down at him.

he took it, never letting go as you led him off the bus and into the day.

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