Chapter 1

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The pack is back in Beacon Hills for the summer only to find out Scott is being hunted by The Demon Wolf.An old Friend returns with a new found power and together try to survive The Supernatural.

Scott's POV
I smiled as I saw that I've arrived back home. After a tough semester at UC Davis, I finally get to see my friends.I got out of Stiles Jeep with a huge smile on my face as I saw the familiar sight of my house.I went inside but mom wasn't home but I found a note on the table "Working the night shift see you in the morning". We had agreed to meet at the Animal Clinic because Deacon had something important and urgent to tell us. I got there and everyone was there with the exception of Stiles, who will arrive tomorrow."So what's up?"I asked."You are being hunted Scott"Deaton replied.

I slowly ask"Why am I being hunted???"

"Your power. We all know the power of a True alpha can only be stolen by a Beta of it's creation but what many don't know is it can also be stolen by a were wolf form the Predomial blood line"He stated.

"Is there a way to stop him??"Liam asked.

"I don't know"Deaton bluntly answered.

Deaton began to tell us about The Predomial Wolves. "In the beginning,there were 7 Predomial Wolves, they were know as the strongest and true born wolf's. The Alpha is known as The Guardian Wolf as he is the strongest supernatural being. They hear over longer distance from normal supernatural, their sense of smell covers over a longer range, they are faster and stronger. Some few years ago the 7 Predomial's were killed by the Argents except for The Alpha's 2 sons. The oldest Tristan, is The Demon Wolf after your power because his younger brother had inherited their father's status as the new Guardian Wolf. He seeks your power to add to his own and the ones he had stolen to be able to go up against and steal The power of the premodial Alpha".

"If he is that strong, why doesn't he just stop The Demon Wolf??"Malia asked.

"Because no one has heard of him since his parents died" Deaton replied.

We decided to meet again in the morning when Stiles was back so we can see how we can stop him.

I woke up the next morning feeling uneasy.I kept thinking about the new threat.I then got ready and headed for the Animal Clinic but before I had to pick up Stiles.I got to his house and honk.I waited for a few minutes before Stiles came out."Get out of my seat"he said.I smiled and moved over to the passengers seat as he he sat in the driver's seat. "I've missed you so much"he said."I've missed you too buddy"I replied."Actually I was talking to the Jeep"he clarified. On our way to the clinic,while we passed by the woods, we were hit by something.We got out to see him,The Demon Wolf, standing across from us."I've come for your power ,True Alpha"he growled.

"If you want it, come and get it!!"I yelled.

Just like that he lunged forward and started attacking.I saw Stiles had called everyone to come and help .He then proceeded and used his steel pipe to hit Tristan over his head.He turned his attention to Stiles who was now regretting his decision. Before anyone could react, we heard a roar and then a hooded person come out of nowhere and tackled Tristan to the ground.Just then Malia, Liam and Lydia arrived . Tristan and the hooded person were going at each other until he gave up and turned to me and said "This isn't over Scott, I will get your power" and then he took off.

We know turned our attention to the hooded person."Who are you??"I curiously asked.The person slowly began to take the hood of.Something about the person seemed very familiar.Thw hood fell of to reveal a woman with short brown hair.We were all shocked by the sight in front of us.

"Is it really u,A-Alisson?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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