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~Sundrops pov~
I had been sitting downstairs in the daycare for quite some time now, it was really boring here when the kiddos were gone! I cant wait to see them tomorrow, I just hope the rest of this day goes by quickly, it was only 12am after all. I wasnt tired, I was active and my thoughts were all over the place. Though, moon had told me that when hes bored, he just roams the pizza plex and spends time at the arcade, sounds fun! It wouldnt hurt to try it, right? I enjoy spending most my time in the daycare, but I wanted to try something different and take moons advice.

~3rd person pov~
Sun sat up and approached the daycare doors, he took a moment to think but opened them anyways. "Now, what to do first?"  He took a few steps forward and decided he would just explore for now, since he didnt know the way around this place to much

~time skip~ (near vanessas office)

~3rd person pov~
About a half an hour later, sun had been walking all around, admiring every small detail of the place, he really enjoyed the pretty artwork of the other animatronics that were hung up on the walls. He glanced to his left, noticing that he was near vanessas office. He wanted to check that out too, but knowing that animatronics werent allowed near or in the offices, he tried to ignore the urges. But he realllyyyyy wanted to see what was inside, curiousity hit him hard and there werent gonna be any consequences since vanessa was in parts and service, doing some maintenance on one of the S.T.A.F.F bots, she was the only one there since it was night shift, besides the other animatronics of course. He approached the empty office and took a look inside "No ones here.."  he placed his hand on the doorknob and turned it, to his surprise, it was unlocked! He looked around the small room with his eyes, the walls had random posters, and the table was a bit messy with clutter and junk, but not messy enough to be called "gross".  "Grr, vanessa should really clean up a bit!" Sun said to himself, he had a burning hatred for spaces that needed to be cleaned, but he also had a history of overreacting lol. Thats when sun noticed an unusual "mess" on the table, he couldnt tell what it was so he stepped closer. He saw a zip bag that was full of green, plant-like stuff, it smelled really good, making him more curious. Next to it was a small flat box with white paper inside, almost like a cigarette paper, but not close enough. Sun picked both the objects up and inspected it, trying to figure out what this stuff was, but he had never been programmed to. "What is this??!? Weapons? Plants? Food? AHHH" he hoped to himself that it was nothing bad, but anxiety took over him and he couldnt stand the fact that vanessa could be in "danger" (lmfao what a dumbass, "dAngEr") "I dont know what this is! I dont WANT to steal from her, but maybe if I brought this back and showed moon, he would know.."  he took a moment to think "Itll be fine! I'll just quickly bring this to make sure its nothing bad and return it!" Sun smiled as he talked to himself, he was so happy to get a chance to "help". He opened his stomach hatch (he has one in this story) and placed the stuff inside, making sure it was secure, he closed the hatch.

~Time skip~

~Sundrops pov~
I walked through the daycares doors, making my way up to our room, i was so excited to see moon and get his opinion! I knocked on the door to our room, i wasnt just gonna barge in, I have manners obviously! "Moony! Its me, can I come in?" I asked, impatiently waiting for his response. "Yeah, go ahead" Moon answered.

~3rd person pov~
Sun opened the door, seeing moon on the floor sitting in a weird position, he was painting his claws to a pretty dark black color with nail polish. "Whatcha doin?" Sun asked cheerfully, he sat next to moon, criss cross position. "Painting mah claws, the last polish got chipped off"     "Cool! Hey uh, can I ask/show you something?"     "Sure, whats up?"  Moon looked at sun curiously, sun opened his stomach hatch and pulled out the stuff he had found earlier. Moon instantly knew what it was before sun even said anything, his face was pure shock "Well, I took your advice and decided to explore the pizza plex since I was bored! I was uh, near vanessas office and got really curious so I went inside... I found this stuff and I dont know what it is! I promise I didnt STEAL it! Just wanted to make sure it was SAFE! Anyway, do you know what it is?"    Sun explained, anxious.

⭐️🍃Seeing stars🍃⭐️ (moondrop x sundrop)Where stories live. Discover now