You're cheddar off without them

19 3 6

Y/N came home from school and went into the kitchen as they walked their cat followed close behind them because their cat loved cheese. and the cat knew that everyday when their owner Y/N got home that they were gonna grab their bowl of ritz crackers, and cheese whiz BUT today was different Y/N walked into the kitchen with their cat close behind in which they went to grab their bowl of crackers next to it was a missing bottle of cheese whiz which meant that she was out and she would have to use chopped up cheese slices


Before Y/N went home they went to the store to by a can of cheese whiz but when they got home and went to grab their bowl of crackers they realize the cheese whiz turned on them and exploded in the grocery bag which meant they didn't have cheese whiz once again which they proceeded to think that the cheese whiz knew that they used regular cheese instead of it so it turned on her.

A/N just like the first chapter I hope you have a wonderful day/night or afternoon drink lots of water so you don't die and also eat a good amount of food because that's also important for not dyeing. 

reader x ritz cracker and cheese whizWhere stories live. Discover now