Marrying Her Childhood Sweetheart

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"Paula, can we talk outside for a moment please." Donna came. Bob's other sister. Ara and Bob's mom followed them.

"Since mom is old and can't explain to you properly, let me be the one to ask you this super huge favor Paula." Donna said.

"Bob divorced his wife but if Bob dies, his pension and insurance benefits still goes to his wife unless he'll remarry. Now, his wife didn't know all about this policy but the moment she knows she will find a way to kill Bob. The big favor we're asking you is that you marry Bob. Don't misunderstood please. This is really for the sake of his money. You know it can help us a lot. When you are already married, we can then change all the beneficiary names from his records. Na kah Paula?"

"So you're using me for wealth purposes? Without Bob's consent?"

"We're sure Bob will definitely agree of this Paula. He loves you very much and he would be very happy about this plan."

"But nothing's going on between us anymore. How could this be possible?"

"We know nothing's going on between you anymore, but we also know you both still have each other. That you still both love each other."

"Right, but this is a serious thing. I'll think about it."

"The papers are ready. It's just your signature that's needed. Let us know when you're ready. Thank you very much na kha Paula."

Paula was confused while sitting beside Bob's bed. She was holding his hand when she felt it moved. She saw his eyes opened.

"Bob, Bob, it's me. Thanks for waking up for me na? Bob smiled but he can't utter a word. Probably he's too weak to speak. She saw tears fell down his cheek. "Bob, you need to rest. Don't stress yourself okay?"

The moment she looked at his eyes, her past feelings revived. She's looking straight at the eyes of her most beloved person. The eyes full of love and longing. She hugged him and kissed his cheek. "Bob, let's get married." Words came out unexpectedly. His family were so happy upon hearing her said that. Bob, with happiness on his face, immediately shook his head in aggreement.

Ara took the marriage papers and let Bob sign them first, then Paula. The doctor and the nurse served as their witness apart from his family. She then proceeded to the civil registrar to legalize the marriage.

"Get well soon na Bob." Paula said as she wiped Bob's tears away. Bob clinged to her hand while he's awake. He can't take his eyes off her too. He's too happy to wake up marrying his first and only love. He's holding her hand till he fell back asleep again.

"Mom, I know you're tired. It might be better for you to stay home and have some rest. Donna will you take Mom back home so that you can rest too. I'll take care of Bob."

"You sure you're okay here Paula?"

Paula nodded as Donna and Mom went their way out.

Paula stayed with Bob but he never woke up again. He stayed asleep the whole time till evening.

Morning came, Paula was still beside him.


"How's it going in there. When can I see you back here?" Ethan was on the phone.

"Ethan. I just married Bob."

There was silence.

Ethan was devastated. He was waiting for Paula to come home to him but what is this? He didn't understand what's going on.

"Wait, what? You married Bob? How?"

"Yes. In the hospital. I married my first love Ethan."

To Ethan it sounded like an accomplishment. But he sensed something odd.

"Paula. What is this? I don't understand."

"I'll tell you everything when I come back. At the moment can you please congratulate me for marrying my first love?"

Ethan knew something is going on. But he has to be strong for Paula.

"Whatever it is Paula. I wish you happiness. Na kap."


Paula was walking back to Bob's room when she saw nurses and doctors rushing to his room too. She quickly run in order to see what's the matter.

The moment she entered the room she heard that Bob was having an episode. The doctors and nurses were there to rescue him and put him back to his usual state.

Paula went straight to him and grabbed his hand.

"Bob. Will you please hold on. Let's fight this together okay? Na ka Bob."

Bob opened his eyes and looked at Paula with a happy look. He can't utter a word but he can hear clearly what Paula was telling him. He held her hands weakly and looked at her one last time. He closed his eyes for his final rest.

"Bob... Bob... Booooobbbbbb... wakeup..."

Bob left the world happily married to his first and only love.

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