Part 3

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tw: accident

While Athena walking she pump in the man chest, "Ouch!" she softly whisper. One hand raised her gaze, she doesn't know why she feels that she wants to cry and hug this man. " Are you okay miss?" The taller ask and help the younger to stand. He feel the gaze, he turn his head and he surprise that the younger was crying."Stop crying, are you hurt?" he ask and check the lady. But, he stunned for the suddenly hug for the lady. Athena don't know why she did that. She only know that her body and heart need that. Her body is like a magnet in that man.

Before, the man ask why she did that."Brandon, what's happening here?" a worried and lovely voice come from a young lady approach them she head to toe Athena and grunted and pulled Brandon to the shoulder. " Miss, are you okay? sorry for my husband mistake, you want to go to hospital? Miss!" the lady ask worriedly because she cry hardly. Athena nod her head "No, I'm sorry! I need to go, Thank you Brandon!" she begin to run like a victim that hidding by her prey. Her heart stuttered that she feel like it's bleeding, her eyes begin to become blurry.I remember everything the time before my accident, I see a light in the distance until I realise a car is approaching. I close my eyes peacefully, as the car approaches.I hear the car horn beeping, its driver and occupants screeching and cursing. I am wide awake. I see the headlights shine directly into my eyes. The screaming is deafening." Brandon, why do you do that?" I whisper and begin my lashes to close.

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