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Jennie and jisoo is in the kitchen eating their breakfast "love are you okay?" Jisoo ask worriedly as she notice that Jennie is spacing out "yeah yeah don't mind me I'm okay" Jennie answered smiling nodding her head, jisoo stand up, Jennie look at her confuse, jisoo smile before spreading her arm for a hug "come here" jisoo said, Jennie smiled at her as she throw her self in jisoo's arm and hug her girlfriend tight, jisoo hug her full of love while patting Jennie's back

"Hey good morning love birds" the new comer soyaa said holding her head because of hangover the two broke their but Jennie can't look at soyaa jisoo was about to speak but her phone rang she took her phone and read the caller id she show it to Jennie signing her that she should answer it Jennie nodd her head smiling, jisoo kissed her forehead and answer the call "hello, yeah it's me why" jisoo said walking out of the kitchen, soyaa make sure that jisoo is outside before approaching Jennie who's cleaning their dishes, soyaa hold her arms that make the girl dropped the glass she was holding, Jennie was about to pick it but soyaa pulled her that make their face close to each other, soyaa look at her eyes but Jennie push her

"Please don't tell jisoo about what happened last night" Jennie said walking passed soyaa but soyaa hold her hand, Jennie glance at her hand and look at soyaa "I'm sorry I didn't mean to I was drunk" soyaa said sincerely to Jennie "love lets go" jisoo said approaching them looking at her phone, Jennie emideitly let go of soyaa's hand and ran to jisoo, jisoo lift her head up facing her girlfriend with confusion on her face Jennie just smile as she kissed her girlfriend's lips, jisoo got shock but still she responded, while soyaa is looking down Jennie broke their kisses as she pulled jisoo to their room "maybe I really don't have any chance to get you from her but I won't give up on you Jennie" soyaa whispered to her self

"You going somewhere love" Jennie ask as she walked towards jisoo who's fixing her neck tie "yeah dad said that I have to attend the meeting now and after that I have to go to school to do something" jisoo said as she put her hand on Jennie's waist "but it's Saturday why do you have so many work" Jennie said pouting looking down as she finish fixing jisoo's neck tie "you wanna come with me?" Jisoo ask smiling, Jennie lift her head up "really?" Jennie asked excitedly jisoo just nodd her head smiling at her girlfriend "let's go?" Jisoo asked, Jennie smiled nodding her head and they go downstairs holding hands as they arrived downstairs they saw soyaa on the couch sitting, soyaa notice their presence so she look back but her eyes landed at their hands "yah you're not coming" jisoo ask "nah I'm too lazy to go their and besides I already told dad that I'm not going" soyaa said shrugging her shoulder "are you going with her?" Soyaa ask Jennie, Jennie nodd her head looking at jisoo and again soyaa's heart filled with jealousy

"Look it's jisoo ugghh she's so pretty/handsome I'm gonna die shit"

"Ugh jisoo please be mine"

"Ugh jisoo please enter me"

"Hey watch your mouth"

"But who's that girl"

"Yeah your right is she jisoo's P.A"  Jennie got annoyed from what shes hearing so she cling on jisoo's arm pulling her close and glaring at the girls who's gossiping about her girlfriend "love I'm hungry" Jennie said in her baby voice jisoo look at her smiling as she put her hands on Jennie's waist "ok ok I'll buy foods for you later" she said, Jennie smiled as she peck at her girlfriend's lips and look at the girls who's now glaring at her Jennie glared back

Jennie and jisoo arrive at her office, jisoo let go of Jennie and kissed her forehead before sitting on her chair "ms myoi please come in" jisoo said to the telephone that is connected outside,the secretary come in "your schedule for today is---" the secretary said jisoo look up but she immediately look back at her table cursing under her breath  "please fixed you bottons first ms myoi" jisoo said looking at Jennie who's now glaring at her "why don't you like the view?" The sectary said asking jisoo with a grin on her face "please my girlfriend is here" jisoo said Pointing at Jennie, the girl look at Jennie rolling her eyes as she fixed her bottons as soon as the girl is gone Jennie walked towards jisoo unbottoning her shirt to show her cleavage, jisoo look at her confuse as she stand up and walked towards Jennie and fixed her shirt "why don't you like the view" Jennie said imatating the girls voice and rolled her eyes "Jennie are you jealous?" Jisoo ask smirking at her girlfriend, Jennie look down pouting as she nodd her head, jisoo lift it up "ma'am your dad is calling you" they turned to face who's talking and it's jisoo's secretary, "wait for me here okay" jisoo said as she peck at her girlfriend's lips

Jisoo and Jennie are in  jisoo's office at the school and it getting dark as well as Jennie getting bored "stop" jisoo said Jennie look at her confuse "what I'm not doing anything" Jennie said "stop doing this" jisoo said imitating Jennie's pout "your distracting me" jisoo said as she put her pen down "come here" jisoo said that Jennie followed as soon as Jennie is on her side she hold her hands as she pulled her to her and she's now sitting on jisoo's lap "why do you keep distracting me huh?" Jisoo ask as she buried her face at Jennie's neck "what do I do then I'm so bored?" Jennie said, jisoo look at her smiling "where do you wanna go I'll take you there" jisoo ask Jennie look at her grinning "I wanna go to bed with you" Jennie said grinning, jisoo smirk at her "ohh so my baby is horny huh?" Jennie slapped her arms lightly


"I'm just kidding okay haha" jisoo said

"Let's go" jisoo said offering her hands at Jennie and they now in the mall jisoo dicided that she should take Jennie on the mall since Jennie waited for her, Jennie nodd her head as they both head inside "where do you wanna go first" jisoo ask, Jennie hold her stomach and pulled Jisoo on Starbucks "wait isn't it soyaa" jisoo ask noticing soyaa is inside as jisoo pulled Jennie where soyaa is sitting, soyaa look up and smiled as soon she saw Jennie, Jennie smiled back a bit just not to be rude to her

Jisoo, Jennie and soyaa are currently walking and jisoo suggested that soyaa is going with them while walking Jennie is on the middle and it's so awkward for her cause soyaa in on her other side Jennie and Jisoo are holding each other's hands and there's soyaa trying to hold her hands  but she always let go whenever they touched their hands, Jennie switch on the other side and now jisoo is on the middle soyaa just look down and continue walking

"Look love lets go there" Jennie said pointing at shop where she saw a cute pajamas as she pulled jisoo with her

"Here try this" Jennie said handing the pajamas she get to jisoo, jisoo look at the clothes and look at her girlfriend, she just sighed as she go to the dressing room and soyaa took the chance to hold her hand "what are you doing, why do you keep holding my hands" Jennie said yelling at soyaa, Jennie stand up as she walked towards her girlfriend pouting

"stop taking picture" jisoo said

"No, your so cute" Jennie said as she keeps taking picture of jisoo,Jennie walk towards her taking picture "see your so cute my baby is so cute" Jennie said showing her phone at jisoo as she pinch her cheeks "try the others" Jennie said pushing jisoo at the dressing room

Jennie and jisoo arrive at their home laughing together "Hey why you left earlier" jisoo ask soyaa but soyaa ignored her as she walk to the kitchen she look at Jennie as they both shrugged and head upstairs, and Jennie is thinking that it's her fault soyaa is ignoring them and she felt guilty from what she did earlier

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