Part 3: Diners and Dangers

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As we walk inside Dean's Diner I didn't exactly know what I was expecting. Maybe people staring at me. Maybe people gossiping about me. Even people gossiping about Owen for being associated with me. Fortunately, I was very wrong. I was treated like everyone else. No one let me cut them in line because I have more to deal with than they ever will. No one shoves me and spills food/drinks on me because I'm on their "turf". It's nothing like school. They acknowledge that I'm there of course, but their eyes practically glaze over.

Owen seems to be here more often than not, because every employee seems to treat him like a son.

"Owen, my brother, I haven't seen you in too long," One man says. "How's your Uncle?"

Or, "Is your Uncle doing alright?"

Or, "Tell your Uncle that I'm sorry about that incident last week, I hope he feels better."

Meanwhile, I stand there with a dumbfounded look on my face. I'm completely clueless to the reason why Owen's Uncle is such a top shot around here.

"Oh right," Owen laughs when he sees my expression. "My uncle owns the place, I've been coming by here for years."

"Oh," I smile. "That's nice."

I wish my family members were so progressive.

We pick a table (Owen does; I follow), and order (Owen recommends; I follow). Until finally we're left alone to ourselves.

"So..." Owen fills the empty silence.

"So..." I mock. "Tell me about
your family." I ask suddenly interested. I take a sip of my chocolate smoothie beckoning him to start.

"Well," he chuckles. "My family is pretty normal. I'm an only child. I used to live with my parents in Ohio but even though I was a sharp kid I didn't exactly have my head on straight, if you know what I mean."

I nod, and Owen takes that as a sign to continue.

"My parents finally had enough with me, and insisted that I learn in Veruga High School. It was definitely a trip but they knew how much I loved living with my Uncle as a kid and they didn't want me around those troubled kids back home."

"Huh, that's pretty cool," I reply after he finishes with his story. "But what I'm wondering is, is your Uncle actually named Dean?"

Owen cracks up laughing.

When he has enough oxygen in his lungs to continue he explains, "The original name comes from my great grandfather. He was the first Dean Forrester. After he made this diner he had the same question you did: what about the later generations? Will they be named Dean? So it has been a Dean family tradition to name the eldest son Dean Forrester so he can inherit the diner. My Uncle was older than my Dad so he inherited it. My Dad helps around from time to time but it's mostly left to my Uncle."

"So, does your Uncle have any sons?" I ask slurping the last of my smoothie.

"No," He replies. "Not yet. I'm basically the backup. If my Uncle ends up never having kids then I'll inherit the diner from him. Another reason I moved here was so I can learn the ropes just in case I have to jump in. I work as an employee around here mostly, but I do it for experience not money. Money is just an extra benefit." He chuckles.

I put my smoothie down. "Wait, but your name is Owen. You can't inherit it, right?"

"Ha, loophole. Like previously said I'm the backup. So, my middle name is Dean."

"Ooh, Owen Dean Forrester. It suits you, I like it."

Owen blushes a little at that. I can still see the faint tint in his cheeks. I grin.

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