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Sakura's Pov:
"Honey wake up! Guests are coming, go get ready. " her mom woke her up as Sakura rubbed her eyes with her little chubby hands.

She got up and stood up on her my melody stool to brush her teeth, she giggled at the mirror seeing how messy her hair was and brushed her hair too.

She changed her clothing to something presentable and went downstairs .
The doorbell rang.
Sakura opened the door and to her surprise, She saw a woman, A teenage girl and a boy her age.

"Please come in aunty!" She exclaimed
The boy seems, somewhat familiar?

She got them seated at the couch and her mom greeted the guests as well "Ahhh I am so glad to have you today Mrs. nishimura! "

her mom sat down while wiping her hands because she had flour on them.
"You too! It's such an honour to finally meet you, and since we just moved here, I see you have a daughter my son's age! They will be great friends" She said politely while my mom nodded.

I took a close look at the son and to my surprise, it was the boy from the playground!!
"Sakura, This is Ni-ki and this is konon" she pointed to the boy and the older girl.
"take them to your room and play while me and Mrs. nishimura chat a while, hm? " said her mom and Sakura noddded her head Excitedly

Ni-ki I see.
"Woah!! So you like sanrio too? We have that in Japan as well, I really like hello kitty just like you"
Giggled the older girl, Konon.

Sakura felt so nice to meet someone who has the same interests as her, so she showed them around the room and shared her toys with them
"Oh! And ni-ki remember we met yesterday? " he nodded and she felt happy that he did.

While konon and Sakura spent the whole day playing, Ni-ki didn't talk a lot and he just sat there
Ni-ki's Pov:
I wish konon noona wasn't here, I want to know more about the girl and be friend her. But she just won't stop talking!

a sigh escaped the japanese's lips.
Author's pov:
The sun was setting, and the newly moved Nishimura family already had dinner at the Lee's house.

"Bye bye!" Konon  waved at Sakura enthusiastically, They became best friends in such a short span of time, In a DAY.

Maybe it was because of Sakura's cheerful and friendly aura, Or because konon and Sakura just clicked because of their common interests
Just as they were about to bid their goodbyes, Mrs nishimura said something

"Oh! Mrs lee, Can you babysit my son for the day? It would mean a lot and your daughter can also play with him! Me and konon have to go to get some stuff for the new house"

"Of course! I promise ill try to make him comfy " Mrs lee said enthusiastically
And then, They left.
Sakura's pov:
"Come I'll show you my room, nick!"

Ni-ki furrowed his eyebrows at the nickname "Nick? My name isn't Nick its-"
"It's a NICK name silly" Sakura laughed hysterically at her own pun
Sakura dragged him gently to the playroom and they played for hours, To roleplaying from playing video games to snacking and talkin about their lives,

They genuinely enjoyed the time they spent together, which was rare for ni-ki.

"Kids come down, I made dinner! " they ran down stairs while giggling about how Sakura saw that she was throwing ketchup on donald Trump in her dream,

And ni-ki couldn't hold back but laugh so hard
After they ate the delicious tteokbokki (A korean dish, Spicy Rice cakes) .
ni-ki's mom came to pick him up, even though Sakura didn't want to say bye, she still did.
Day by day, Ni-ki and Sakura kept getting closer and closer, Their bond was unbreakable. Through their ups and downs they would find ways to visit the playground, Maybe not because of the playground but to see each other, They became the bestest of friends.
4 years later.
It was a normal starry night 8 pm, 9 year old Sakura stepped out of her house because she wanted to visit ni-ki again,
She was sort of confused because there were beige colored boxes here and there, with some men carrying them, but she shrugged it off.

As soon as she was about to enter the main gate of the playground someone gently grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his embrace.

Sakura was scared but as soon as she smelled the lavender perfume, she knew it was ni-ki and calmed down a little.
She was about to pull back when he tightened his grip and hugged her tighter.

She was taken aback by the taller's actions until she heard some little sobs and felt her shoulder getting wet, Her eyes enlarged when she realized he was crying.

"Ni-ki are yo-"
"Please lets just stay like this for a little" she was cut off by his shaky voice, Her heart broke at that moment when she heard him cry.
Minutes later he pulled away and Sakura finally got the chance to ask "Now tell me-" And she was cut off by an answer she would never want to expect by her best friend of 4 years.
"I'm moving, Sakura."

author's note: Hii!! I'm so sorry if these first chapters are boring but Dont worry it will slowly build up and be interesting!! Poor Sakura my heart aches for her D: anyways I hope you liked it <33

----author's note: Hii!! I'm so sorry if these first chapters are boring but Dont worry it will slowly build up and be interesting!! Poor Sakura my heart aches for her D: anyways I hope you liked it <33

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