Chapter One: A Quick Glance At What We Could Have

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Chapter One:
A Quick Glance At What We Could Have
(Haru x Rin)

Haru walked the strand alone, but stopped and leaned on the cool metal bars to view the sunset. The wind picked up, and blew through his raven-black hair. The leaves on the street rustled, and birds flew overhead.

Haru took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind of all his worries. As the salty sea breeze blew through the scene, trees swayed and the ocean waves crashed down on the sandy shore.

Haru wore an unbuttoned shirt, and shorts to cover up his swimsuit. The breeze kicked up again, and softly caressed his skin, as if saying hello, and the ocean scene reflected in Haru's eyes.

Haru thought about going for a quick swim, but changed his mind when the shades of warm colors in the sky began to darken.

Haru sighed as thoughts clouded his head, making it hard to enjoy the beach's beauty. He wanted so badly for these troubles to vanish, for everything to be right and not wrong.

Haru thought thought about Makoto, and almost immediately felt tears fill his eyes. He was leading Makoto on, and in return was hurting himself. Although Haru did love Makoto, it wasn't nearly as much as he loved Rin.

Haru didn't want to hurt Makoto, but wasn't he hurting him now? He was defiantly hurting himself.

Tears threatened to spill and flow freely down Haru's face, but to make the pain fade, Haru slammed his fist down onto the bars. "Damn it!" He cried.

Distracted by the waterworks on his face, Haru didn't hear Rin's approaching footsteps.

Another car drove by, helping to muffle Rin's steps, and Rin almost didn't notice Haru for he was surprisingly quiet.

Rin turned his head, now fully aware of Haru's presence. "Haru-chan..." Rin had fallen under Nagisa's influence, and now used 'Haru-chan' instead of Haru. Rin also felt too embarrassed to call Haru just by his name, but would never admit to it.

Haru lightly gasped and momentarily stopped crying as his eyes stared forward. He didn't want Rin to see him like this, he was weak like this.

Haru wiped his tears away and faced Rin. "Haru-chan..." Rin started, "it's getting late, you should head home." Haru knew those weren't really the words Rin wanted to say, he knew Rin's expressions too well.

"Tell me what you were really going to say." Haru said stiffly.

Rin sighed. "Listen..." Rin looked out at the pink and purple horizon. "I-..." Rin sighed again. "I guess.... I guess I don't really know how to say it."

Haru stared into Rin's eyes. He could tell Rin was distant, he could tell something was wrong.

Rin looked back at Haru, and placed a hand on Haru's shoulder. Haru would know that something isn't right.... Maybe he could leave it to Haru to figure out.... Or maybe this was his puzzle to solve.

Haru watched as Rin's eyes clouded with tears. Just seeing Rin hurt was enough to make him cry too. "You rarely ever swim with us anymore...with me!" Haru's eyes shook. "You rarely even talk to us rarely talk to me!" Haru's voice cracked painfully.

"You don't understand..." Rin tried to pull away from Haru, but was stopped by Haru's grip around his forearm.

"Then explain to me." Haru begged. "I...I miss you..." As soon as the words left his mouth, he knew be had made the wrong choice. 'I'm sorry Makoto...' Haru thought.

"Haru-san-" Rin tried to distance himself away from Haru even more, he couldn't bare the pain any longer.

"Do you have any idea how much you mean to me? You just keep pushing me away! What happened to the 'Iwatobi Swim Club' Rin-kun? Huh?" Haru bursted, he couldn't hold back his feelings any longer.

"Haru-san-" Rin tried to calm Haru down.

"No, don't 'Haru-san' me. What happened to just calling me Haru?"

"Look, it's complicated, okay?"

Tears streamed down Haru's face. Never had he been so hurt, especially by someone he loved so much.

Rin's lower lip quivered, something that happened when he was on the verge of tears, and he looked Haru in the eyes.

"Haru-kun..." Rin hesitated for a second before pressing his mouth to Haru's.

Haru stood shocked, at first, but then quickly changed his sad tears into tears of joy and kissed Rin back.

Never before had anything felt so right in either boy's life. They completed each other, and never wanted to leave each other's side.

Slowly, Rin pulled away and looked at Haru. "Now do you understand?" He asked.

Haru just stared into Rin's scarlet eyes. "Rin-kun..." He breathed.

Just like that, Rin's attitude changed and he left a shocked Haru standing alone on the strand. The entire walk home, the scene of him kissing Haru played through his head. 'What did I do?' He wondered.

Haru bit his lip in attempt to stop from calling out to Rin, and started home where Makoto would probably be waiting for him. Just like Rin, Haru's mind played the moments of the kiss over and over.

Neither boy said a word about what had happened, they tried to forget, and they avoided each other as best they could. Not even a single text was sent.

But both of their minds were going stir crazy just thinking about each other. The boys could try to hide their pain, but it'll only take so long until someone figures out something is up, or until one of them decides to tell someone else.

Haru sighed and laid in his bed, trying to get some sleep that wouldn't come no matter what.

Rin did the same, but cried and threw a pillow over his face.

In the same moment, the boys thought the same thing, "I have to see him again!"

Hey guys! omfg I have srs been dying to write that. you don't. even. know. like srs, my inner otaku is freaking out!!! I hope you guys liked this chapter, and now, let me explain a little about this fanfic:
{ATTENTION!! IMPORTANT NOTICE!!} Basically, I will try to focus on one ship per chapter, while also maintaining a storyline. This chapter was obviously #RinHaru I will take requests upon which ship comes next, here are the ships to choose from:
•Rin x Haru (check)
•Haru x Makoto
•Haru x Rei
•Haru x Nagisa
•Haru x Gou/Kou(whichever spelling you want)
Makoto x Rin
Makoto x Nagisa
Makoto x Rei
Makoto x Gou/Kou
•Rin x Nagisa
•Rin x Rei
•Rin x Gou/Kou(yea okay, i know but still)
•Nagisa x Rei
•Nagisa x Gou/Kou
•Rei x Gou/Kou

I will be using all of these no matter what, so be prepared.
thank you so much, and don't forget to SLAP THAT VOTE BUTTON or KICK IT or KISS IT whatever you like.

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