Chapter 6

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Mahiko's POV

"You got everything you need Cater?" I asked my cousin, worried that he might left something behind the auditorium.

"Hai. I didn't bring much with me to visit you here in Luna Nova Hiko-chan."

"Are you sure that you didn't left anything behind? Like a gemstone, madols and such?"

"Hiko-chan you need to relax. I am sure of everything that I am carrying before coming here. There are all on me now, see?" Cater said as he opens his coat, vests and every pockets that he has as he showed all the things he had to me.

"I am just worried that my professor would suspect something about the event. Asking on why there are things in the school that don't belong." I gave a sigh while my cousin just chuckles at me while fixes himself.

"Are you sure you don't want to visit NRC Hiko-chan? You may like there when you get to know more of it." My cousin said while we both stood in front of a black carraige with black horses that has smoke coming out from their manes. The carraige itself came from a large mirror that appeared itself many meters away from the school for secrecy.

"Someday cousin. For now, I am still busy with all of school works that I have to deal with." I reasoned out to my cousin as Cater just sighed while also giving a tired sigh as well.

"Hai. Hai. Trey-kun and Dorm Leader will definitely berate me on coming back very late, and I still have to follow some rules of our dorm. How exhausting, so exhausting that I have little to none for my "Me" time." Cater said while playing with one strand of his hair in between his right pointer finger and thumb.

"Just finish your work early and stop looking at your "Magicam" every minute. Then maybe you will have more time for yourself." I suggested to Cater, which looked at me with a horrified look.

"Stop looking at my Magicam every day?! Magicam is the reason why I am always updated on the latest trend! And you want me to stop looking at it! You meanie!" He shouted while exaggerately points at me with a horrified look on his face. I rolled my eyes behind my glasses/shades from my cousin being overdramatic.

"I am not saying "Permanently". I am saying stop looking at your phone every minute, not forever. You just need to finish your work early, just so you can have your "Me" time and maybe have time for your fellow classmates." I explained to him, with Cater just chuckling while patting my shoulders.

"I know, I know. I am just messing with ya." Cater joked as he turns to the carraige and enters in. He looks at me while smiling and waving.

"See you soon Hiko-chan~"

"See you soon Cater." I waved back at my cousin as the door of the black carraige closes and locking it completely.

The magical horses neighed as they start galloping back to the dark mirror to where they all came. After the entire carraige entered the mirror, the said mirror begins to swirl and shrinks until there is nothing left, only leaving a breeze that blows some grasses away from the ground. I gave a tired sigh as I tapped my staff to show what time it is. Seeing that it is almost midnight, I gave a one long yawn and stretch my back for a bit. After that, I turn around, facing the school tower and went back to my dorm. Preparing myself for the tomorrow's class and training.


Third Person POV

"Those who commit fraud through magic shall have their tongues branded with a hot iron. Hehehehe." An old raspy voice started the class with the entire classroom shrouded in darkness, with a bright shade of green being the only source of light and color being present as rows upon rows of students sat silently while listening to the raspy, unnerving voice of their professor talking, giggling while showing her crooked grin, flashing her misaligned teeth while explaining the punishments on different Magical Laws.

Tall, Dark, and that's about it (Little Witch Academia) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now