Kitten's Moodswing

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Stomping his feet into the room, that blond watched as his fiance, walked to the sofa and just dropped his body on the piece of furniture carelessly before he then folds his arms moodily.

Expression scrunched up into a pout, that gorgeous lover of his looked troubled.

Seeing the situation unfolds, his instinct took over as Alberu, that Crown prince of Roan Kingdom, strides to his lover's side before that redhead could even fully seated.

Worried since his dearest rarely come to his place without any warning unless it was an emergency, he asked gently.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

He tried to coax that firstborn of Duke Henituse into talking by offering the redhead's favorite type of skinship- cuddles.

"...'s nothing"

Yeah, like hell that it was nothing!

Cale looked like he has lost his composure for real a moment there.

And Alberu knows for a fact that his dongsaeng was not someone who's easily tilted.

Just what could have ticked his beloved this way???



His first attempt was greeted with silence.


Still doesn't get any sort of answer, the redhead was even averting his gaze instead.

Seeing this, Alberu was left with no choice.


His words wasn't stern. But the quarter dark elf just called him by name and not that stupid nickname that he has grown to like.

The fake blond is serious.

"I am not taking 'it's nothing' from you, mister. What happened? Are you alright?"

Alberu tried again. This time, with his hand reaching out to caress the natural pale skin of his beloved.

Responding to this, Cale, that stubborn ex-Commander, finally give in to his lovers warmth and leaned his head further to the warm hand.

'He's just like a real cat!'

Just... how adorable his fiance can be?

It takes a lot of that crown prince to just stay still on his position when all that he wanted right now is to jump on his cute little kitten and squeeze him so tight till the next hours or so.


That's it.

Just a hug...

Obviously nothing more.


Holding back his blush while flushing down his... suggestive imaginations... Alberu then focused back to his lover.

"Alright. It seems like I finally get your attention"

He chuckled fondly.

"Could you finally tell me what made you sad, kitten?"

Cale huffed.

Kim Rok Soo was not familiar on being treated like a domiscated cat or something— but Alberu, his now Fiance, always made his chest gets all tingly when he called him that.

To be called something so cute and vulnerable.

It's almost as if it was the Fake blond's way of saying that it's okay not to be strong all the time.

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