ii : failed

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( y / n )

HOW IS THIS EVEN possible?!

i gulped upon making eye contact with my target. he continued glaring daggers at me through his green tinted glasses before walking back inside. i felt like falling down and just dying. relief flooded me and i tried to think rationally. no, no, maybe he was glaring at the sun instead and just so happened to move when my arrow intended to shoot him.

yeah, that's it. it's okay, y/n. your mission isn't done yet, you have an unlimited amount of time! if all things seem devoid of hope, i'll just have to take on a physical form. god, that darn physical form is so bothersome. i can't casually fly around with people watching otherwise they'd get the idea of supernatural things existing. also, using legs sound so tiring— i applaud mortals.

now, going back to the task at hand. i could still attempt to prick him with my arrow during lunch time or whenever he's not around people. once you get pricked by a cupid's arrow, you would start to get flustered and i don't want to put him in such an embarrassing situation, so i'll do it when he's alone or in an area with less people.

entering the school, making sure i was still in my normal form, i gripped the hem of my pure white dress and floated around the hallways, scanning for the pink haired psychic who avoided my arrow earlier.

it was then i saw aiura, the soulmate of my target. she was in class surrounded by girls. it seems like she was doing her usual fortune telling. then i spotted kusuo, who stared at the girl in an irritated manner. i grinned and grabbed an arrow again, aiming to the psychic. wait— there are people. scratching my head angrily, i put back the arrow and continued observing.

kusuo then snapped his head to where i was and furrowed his eyebrows, eyes cold and an intimidating aura surrounding him. i gulped, confused. can he really see me?!

testing this, i waves my arms around yelled, "can you see me?!" kusuo flinched at my voice and looked back to aiura. he then called her to meet him at the staircase leading to the rooftop. oh, god. did he flinch because he heard me? but no one else reacted! the teacher never taught us what to do in a situation like this! is it because he's my target and i'm the cupid assigned to him?

once i saw kusuo walking out with smiling aiura, he glared at me once again before going to the staircase.

i didn't even know i held in my breath. deciding i should follow them, i sat on the handrail of the stairs and listened in on their conversation.

"stop doing fortunes?" aiura repeated, shocked. "but— why?!" she asked. kusuo only leaned back on the wall, crossing his arms, "because if you keep this up, people will find out that your powers are real and when that happens, people will assume there's more who have psychic powers which will cause trouble for me."

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