Espresso x Fem! Reader w/ adhd

890 12 9

Status: Requested!

I'd like this request to go anonymous, since the requester did not specify!

C/F = Cookie Flavour
C/N = Cookie Name
H/C = Hair colour [ex: brunette]
F/F = Favourite food
F/D = Favourite drink


Espresso was doing the usual, busy working away.
Sending e-mails,
Writing formula notes,
And overall being busy.

Altough Espresso was busy, how did C/N feel about it?

C/N would catch Espresso working every hour.

And he never seemed to sleep.

So was the only reasonable thing to do, just sit and wait?

One day,
C/N was sitting on the stairs, just glancing around.
She was fiddling with her hands quite often, which Espresso took no notice in.

(Blind fucker come get yo girl)

C/N saw Espresso in his laboratory, brewing coffee.

C/N walked down the stairs, and Espresso took no notice.

C/N stood there, watching Espresso, until Espresso finally took notice.

'Ah, C/F, would you like to come help me out?'

C/F nods, and stands beside Espresso, looking at all the scales, measuring glasses and coffee beans.

C/F poked at one of the scales, while Espresso explained everything.

'And so you see, that's the formula!'

Espresso finished proudly.

C/N wasn't listening to anything, so when she was finally called on, she had no clue what to do.

She guessed what they had to do, and it was suprisingly correct.

Soon, they finished the formula.

Espresso and C/N looked at eachother for what seemed to be forever.

'C/F, I believe you have potential."

C/F wasn't even listening, just staring into Espressos eyes, until she snapped back to reality.

C/F suddenly hugged Espresso.

Surprisingly, Espresso complied.

'I love you, C/F."

I was hesitant to post this-
Anyways, hope you liked this hh.

I attempted my best on the request!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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