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contains: Trans male character ( not mentioned though), passing out, mention of blood, mention of knife, abuse? (not sure)

~[Ranboo pov]~ 

I walked to the kitchen at 3 am to go get something to drink. There he was my drunk father, he would always be up at this time just sitting on the couch but this time something was different..

he was standing in front of the counter, his back facing me. He was very pale for some reason but I knew there was something wrong with him i didnt bother though. I get a cup from the cabinets right next to the refrigerator then set my cup down on the counter.

I keep looking at my dad but i continue to do what i was doing. I open the ice box and get the water jug and pour the water in the cup. I put the jug back in the ice box and then started to pick up my cup and take a sip out of it.

I finally thought it was time to say something.

"are you okay father?"




"..This isnt your father.."

he slowly turned around fully black eyes it look like he tired. Bloody knife in hand he slowly started walking to me. I carefully started walking backward making sure not to hit anything. He started sprinting and the only thing i could do was pass out...

I woke up and i guess it was a dream right?...

Nope it wasnt  i looked around i was tied to a chair and the only thing i had on was a hoodie which made me feel a little <a lot> uncomfortable. I was just sitting there tied up in a off white room. 

it has been an hour and someone came in. The same man from earlier he started to hit me and then stabbed me i didnt think nothing of it though i couldnt care less. He then left i didnt know how to express my feelings i wasnt sad, i wasnt happy, i wasnt scared, i wasnt even mad i just didnt know how to express my feelings.

but i did have a feeling that i will be stuck in here for the rest of my life no friends no family what can i do at this point...


yayayayay you read to the end i might make a pt 2 where he escapes

i was gonna make this angst but idk what happened anyways much love cya next time! :D<33 

word count: 400

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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