Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000229 EndHTML:0000007430 StartFragment:0000002447 EndFragment:0000007394 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/bekahmoran21fpe/Desktop/Thinking%20of%20the%20time%20that%20has%20passed%20us%20along.doc
Thinking of the time that has passed us along,
I reminisce over memories,
And put them to song.
A song full of sorrow
A song full of tears
A song full of empty
A song full of years
A song full of terror, and famine and war
But wait, Love’s astounding so listen once more
A hope for tomorrow
A string of loud cheers
A burden then emptied
A peace found from fears
A verse for the triumphs of blotted out pain
A prelude of voices as sweet as the rain
Chorus with whispers of hope in the night
Speaking the Truth that all will be right