Chapter 1: Meet Leo!

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Hi! I'm Leo! I have a boyfriend named Charlie. You will meet him soon. Anyways, I wanna tell you my story.
Mom:Look how cute our baby is!
Dad:Yeah! My sport will be the best enderman! And he's a purple one! Not a albino one, like his brother.
Mom:Shush! My mother was an albino!
Dad:BlAh BlaH! Shut the f(quack) up.
Me:Googoo! Babahbgh!
Mom:How cute!
Dad:wow! Already! I bet he will be able to talk in a year or 2.
Mom:you can't assume that, Daniel.
Dad:I already did.

2 years later...

Me: teleporting all around the house
Dad:Sport! Where are you going!
Me: Library
Dad: Confused
Me:Dad wheres the library
Dad: Upstairs, then right.
Me:Thanks dad!

Even more years later, I'm a teenager. This is when I met Charlie.

Me: Dad! I'm going off to school!

Creator's note: Leo's mom passed away a day after his 2nd birthday.

Dad: bye Leo! See you soon!

At school.

Me: bumps into a albino enderman while going off to school, and falls to the ground.
???: hey, you ok?
I stare up at the albino enderman, seeing as he was holding his hand out.
Me: Yeah, thanks!
I get up, thanking the albino for helping me up.
???: My name's Charlie, what's your name?
Me: Leo! Nice to meet you Charlie!
Charlie: do you also go to Mob High?
Me: Yeah!
Charlie: Wanna walk there together? It only a few more blocks away! Or we could teleport there!
Me: I already teleported here and bumped into you, and I don't wanna bump into anyone else, so let's walk there. Heh!

At our school..

Me: Are you new by the way?
Charlie: Yeah, and the principal said I could pick anyone to guide me around the school! Would you like to, Leo?
Me: Yeah! Sure!
Charlie: Nice! What class are you in for 1st period?
Me: History!
Charlie: I also have history! It says class 1C: History
Me: Yep! There aren't many Endermen that go to history, basically me and my friends do. The rest just skip history.
Charlie: let's go!
We teleported to class 1C: History.
Me: here's class 1C! Welcome!
Charlie: ok!
Our teacher walks in
Mrs. V: Class, today we have 2 new students. Come on up Charlie and Lizzy!
The Albinos teleport next to the teachers desk.
Charlie+Lizzy: Hi! We are the Albinos!
Charlie: I'm Charlie Albino, and this is my sister, Lizzy Albino!
Lizzy: we are siblings!
Charlie: and if you hurt her at all..
Charlie grabs a knife
Charlie: You WILL get it.
Lizzy does and says the same thing except she says "him" instead of "her"
Mrs. V: ok Albinos. You may sit down. The table with your name is where you are sitting.
Lizzy and Charlie come up to my table and sit down.
Mrs. V: Let's start the lesson!

After class, it is break time.

Charlie: so Lizzy and Leo, what do you wanna do?
Lizzy: let's go on wattpad! And read the stories!
Me+Charlie:That's a great idea!
We take out our phones and go on the bench, then go on wattpad.
Let's read this story!
I point to a story called "Puck You"
Creator's note: There's actually a wattpad story called Puck You on Wattpad! I haven't read it yet though.
Charlie+Lizzy: nah, we already read that.
Then they point to a different story.
After school.
All 3 of us:Let's get ice cream!
We go to get ice cream. Then we realize there's a lake nearby. We pay for the ice cream and teleport away while screeching.
Charlie + Lizzy: Calm down Leo. It's just a freaking lake.
Me: you aren't normal.
Lizzy+Charlie: we know, we are Albino Endermen anyways!
Me: wait, wouldn't Lizzy be considered an enderWOMAN cuz she's a female?
Lizzy+Charlie: technically, Yeah.
Me: Ok-
When all of us get home.
Me: Dad im home!!
Dad: ok!
Me: Ima be in my room of you need me!
I teleport to my room, put my backpack on my bed, unzipped it and took out my sketchbook, pencil, and eraser and started to draw.
Me: Ima draw my dad.
I drew me and my dad, I drew me when I was 5 in the picture, and when he was 30.
Me: Dad! Look! I made a picture of us when we were younger!
Dad looked at it, when he finished, he looked happy!
Dad: I love it Sport!
Me: Thanks dad!
A few weeks later..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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