Voicemail. 2•

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"I know it's past your 9:30 bed time but I hope you can talk to me about this new theory I started with Mei. Before you complain about this one, I swear it's very important! What if we made a special hearing aid that shut itself off if the noise was louder then yelling level? I know how loud your explosions are in the same room, so maybe this could help with your hearing. We wouldn't just stop there though! What about special glasses that just black screened if it was too bright? Obviously they have regular glasses that shift when you go outside but these could help Kaminari with his lightning or when you do your stun grenade. Just a whole line of support items that help prevent damage from the users quirks! Let me know what you think, we'll need a tester when we get the prototypes out. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

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