Boxed!AU info

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- Boxed!Moondrop was left inside a cardboard box for a year or two because uhhh they were forgotten or something

- Boxed!Moondrop uses they/it pronouns. Misgender it and you lose your finger privelages.

- Boxed!Moondrop is four and a half feet tall 

- They're actually quite civil around children

- It has a thin layer of soft fluff covering them, like a stuffed animal

- Speaking of, it allows children to use them like a stuffed animal

- It hates 99% of adults.

- They can pick locks, for some reason.

- Touch its box and you lose your finger privelages

- They rarely leave the box unless it has to

- It has yet to commit a murder

- Boxed!AU Sundrop is called Unboxed!Sundrop because they were not trapped in a box like Boxed!Moon

- Unboxed!Sundrop uses they/it as well, they're just not violent about being misgendered like Boxed!Moon

- Unboxed!Sundrop is the only one allowed to touch Boxed!Moondrop's box, and only on rare occasions. 

- Unboxed!Sundrop stands at six feet tall, so taller than Boxed!Moondrop but still shorter than normal Sundrop.

- Unboxed!Sundrop has bite marks on their arms and hands from Boxed!Moondrop, and a few damaged sun frill things from them as well.

- Unboxed!Sundrop is single handedly the reason that Boxed!Moondrop has never murdered anyone as of yet

- Unboxed!Sundrop just shuts off entirely if the lights get too dim.

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