The Sugar Shortage~Part 1

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TW: None <3

Alchemist was so close! She was about to make earthbread history! Her test tube was throbbing and overflowing, just as she predicted! Now, to counteract the overflow, a pinch of sugar! She reached for the sack of sugar under her desk. She came up empty handed! "Oh no, that can't be good,". She braced herself for impact. Before she could even think another thought, the test tube shattered, sending a frothing-watery mixture and glass shards everywhere. She opened her eyes and looked around. Her worktop was in ruins, and her clothes looked singed. She sighed and held her head in her hands. "I should've thought to check my ingredients before hand." She got back up (she wasn't gonna beat herself up very long) and got herself and her workspace cleaned. "I'll need to go to the market for some new equipment, and maybe some sugar.". She grabbed her wallet and yelled to her brother, walking out the door.

"What do we do next professor?", Latte and Cream Puff were outside for todays lesson, 'for some fresh air' as Latte put it. "And besides," Latte had said," this spell can get a bit messy anyways.". Cream Puff was nearly bouncing on the tips of her feet. Her cauldron looked nearly identical to Latte's! Her jelly spell was going to come out perfect, just like she hoped! Latte covered her mouth, coyly trying to suppress a chuckle. She was so proud of her pupil! "Now, we add some sugar, but do be quick, things can go a bit awry if you don't add it in time.", the witch magicked two measuring cups out of thin air and offered the young cookie one, who grabbed it excitedly. She then pulled up a carton labeled 'sugar', and popped the lid off. "Oh dear..." Latte looked worriedly into the container. Cream puff stood on her tip-toes and peered in. You'd need Almond's magnifying glass to see any of it.

Behind them, The two cauldrons started glowing a bright light, and Latte froze in fear, getting horrid flashbacks from her time as a student. "This is why I wear a hat," she pulled it off her head and used it as a shield for her and her student. This was gonna be messy. The cauldrons cracked apart and shot out distorted jellies at high velocities, splattering them everywhere.

Every cookie within a thirty foot radius scattered like mice. Onion was crying under a bench. Strawberry Crepe was laughing manically with a look of fear in their eyes. Muscle used himself as a cookie-shield as Alchemist and Angel ran behind him, only for Angel to shoot backwards from the impact of being hit. Adventurer was shouting Onion's name and looking for her. Herb practically ran up a tree. Pancake was hit by a jelly, and actually flew for the first time in his life. Princess tripped and cried out in pain as Knight tugged her back up again. Almond even threw a table over and ducked behind it with Rye and Chili. And even as all this was happening, the jelly's kept coming. It was like a fireworks display gone wrong. Cream Puff literally shook from the force of jelly's flying past.

Latte decided she had had enough. She tossed her hat aside (which hit a poor unfortunate Almond in the face) and stepped Between her pupil and the exploding pots. "Entrapteeramus!!", She yelled, thrusting her spoon in the direction of the deranged cauldrons. In an instant, the two cauldrons became isolated behind two magic bubbles, filling every empty space with jelly's. The world went quiet. Soon, everyone slowly came back, looking around at each other nervously and murmuring as they surrounded the cauldrons and two witches.

Almond crossed his arms and glared at them. "If you think you're getting away with this just because we're friends, you have another thing coming.". Cream Puff made sure that Latte was between her and the detective, still shaking despite the world feeling still. "I never expected I would get out of this easily Almond,", it was Latte's turn to glare. She stuck her arms out in front of her. Almond paused, as if not expecting this. "What? Aren't you going to arrest us? I thought we wouldn't get away with this easily.", Latte squinted at him, as if studying the man. "I was thinking community service and cleaning up your mess was just a fine punishment, but-".

"NO-!", Cream Puff clapped a hand over her mouth. "No, community service sounds fair,", Latte put her hand on the young girl's shoulder, though the gesture felt more like a threat then source of comfort. Almond cocked an eyebrow at them and slowly smirked. He winked, magic literally swirling in his eye. "Well then.", he turned to the crowd. "Everyone may disperse, don't mind us- we have this all under control.". Every cookie grumbled and walked away reluctantly, continuing with their day.

Almond turned back to them. "...... I lied. I don't trust you two to clean this up. I'll take this from here.". Cream Puff was shocked, until she saw her mentor giggling silently, who was picking up her hat, which appeared to be magicked. Generosity magicked, she realized. "Oh thanks," Latte turned to Cream Puff. " I think we should get some new cauldrons- Oh! And some sugar too.". They turned and left, the young student dumbstruck.

Wizard cookie sighed triumphantly. He was using powdered candy to make a magic mural on the ground. Wizard had gotten the tip from Latte, who suggested he step a little outside his comfort zone, and murals aren't too different from his normal chalk spells, so why not? Now he needed something white, to represent wisdom! "Sugar should suffice...". He reached into a burlap sack and came up empty handed. Great. Suddenly, Pancake tumbled through the mural, spreading it all about on the ground. Wizard's eye twitched. "Are you alright?" Wizard's fists shook as he physically restrained himself from strangling him. Pancake didn't even respond back. He ran away with his arms stretched out wide, fear and worry covering his face. Wizard turned around. What was that about? He stood and started walking as he pondered. Only to walk into a lamppost and fall on his bottom. He sighed as he rubbed his rump. Bad luck. Of course. He should have added the sugar first, because it acted like a shield on the user, so that if the spell rears its head at the magic user, they get protected from the consequences. He picked himself back up and started walking in the direction of the market. He'll need some good luck charms and more powdered candy, to reverse the messed up spell. He froze. "I'm forgetting something.". Oh yeah. He's going to need some sugar.

Espresso was planning out another recipe for coffee magic. " beans...........sugar........ wait." He looked in his cupboard. He did not, in fact, have sugar. "Oh hexes.", he swore. He'd have to go to the market for some. Unlike everyone else, he actually checks what he has first. It became a strange habit. Little did he know, many magic users where heading out to purchase more sugar. This, dear reader, could very well turn out like a Black Friday event. Hold on to your witch's hat!

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