Beginning of New Friend

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KreekCraft POV:


"And the winner of this year Roblox Battles, within the total of eight points, is TanqR!" Russo exclaims into the microphone. Sabrina and Dj were clapping by the "new" champion, Hyper and Ashley were doing the same, while I was having my arms crossed, along with my face having an envy look. I have failed from a tryhard in a sword battle, oh great. Goodbye, 2 million Robux, and goodbye my hope and dreams.

"I have something to say with this victory." Tanqr was speaking into the crowd, "It's was hard and challenging to fight with Season 1 RB Champion, but all I cared was from the excitement and making some friends along the way." Making friends along the way? I just rolled my eyes, at what Tanqr just said. More like making rivalry than friends.

After a couple of minutes of the finalist having interviewed, I was getting my backpack and other things out of my guest bedroom. Someone was knocking at my door, and I knew that knocking. "Come in!" I said, and Kayla opened the door.

"Hey, Kreek... Saw you lost with that Tanqr guy, huh?" I wasn't in the mood to hear that place happened again. "Yes, I know Kayla," I say with a sigh along with it. "But, you lose with that 2 million Robux! If you have won it, I- we would spend it! With along with our son!" Kayla and I were in a relationship, and Timmeh, our son. But, in the past, I don't know why she wanted to have a child along with wanted me to have money. I have told her about me coming out as bisexual and saying I kinda liking guys, she despite it was gross of me for having that and shouldn't show it to Timmeh. I was divorcing over her but she was having Timmeh on her side.

"Kayla, you wanted that money and I'm sorry. I have no idea what happened..." I say in a tired tone. I wasn't to listen to her about me caring more of the damn money. "You were thinking wanted to a good time, with that tryhard?" "No! It's not like that." I snapped a bit, "I wasn't... My mind was focusing, but judging by Tanqr's ability. I couldn't stand the chance." Kayla didn't care about me or our son. Caring about the money. "Whatever, sweetheart. I still have your son, so either finds a way to give half of your million from last year or I have fully taken custody over it."

"Kayla, I'm tired and exhausted over this can we talk about it later?" I still have regretted ever marrying that woman. Kayla walked and closed the door behind her.

Kayla (KreekyWife) POV:


What a stupid husband, I mumbled under my breath. I was planning to use that money for more projects I'm working on with that WayFind Lab people. I was walking along the hallway to find Timmeh, I forgot where I left him. I continued walking downstairs where the kid's daycare was. When did I see a black like goo around near the end of the hallway? What the hell, I thought. I was walking slowly around it. Does it look like glitches surrounding it? I swear to god if damn prank from Timmeh-

"K̴̳͝͝a̷͕͓̓͜ỳ̷̻̄̎l̵̻̯̊̓a̸̢͆͜?̷̥̝̳͝͠ ̴̠͉̆͠Ḯ̸̼̟̠t̸̟̏̓'̷͉͆̃̈́͜s̶̬͍̫͒ ̷̺̭̌̅m̸̱͝ḙ̷̽.̸̦̻̦̐̎.̸̖̹͓̏.̷̳̜̚̚͠"

What the- I was starting to back up slowly, while the black goo slowly moving in front of me. My heart was starting to pump as crazy. The black goo thing was started to form into a human shape body?! It's was over 6ft and the goo was fully taken over this person. But, then it's shapen a face. A face of craziness and insanely. Then clothes formed into a farmer's outfit?

Then the two come together...

The Black thing as forming Albert...

"Ḱ̷̺ā̵͕y̴͍̓l̵͋͜a̸͔͋.̸̭͝.̸͕̀.̸̈́ͅ ̷̭̈́Ỳ̷̙ő̸͔u̷̹͝r̴̪̊ ̶͕̈t̸̟͝i̵̘͛m̵͍̈́e̴͚̚ ̸̙͂i̵͓̇s̴̺̒ ̶͓̓ŭ̵̡p̸̯̓.̸̢̇:"

Screaming, was the last thing I remembered.


Three/KreekCraft POV:

Panicking everyone. Screams of frightfulness. Everyone was rushing out of the RB Arena, those who didn't exist taken over by it, well Albert. A shotgun can be heard. The judges were trying to stop it but failed. KreekCraft has to save himself and runs out it barely.

What the hell?! Albert wanted to kill me, fully. I was out of breath and running out of the RB Arena and hiding in a nearby alleyway. I hide next to the trash area while having tears in my eyes. I have left my own son in that! Russo, Sabrina, and Dj are gone. I grabbed my hair started to pull it out. Oh, everyone is gone... everyone. Is it all my fault?!

Footsteps, something coming close. Quickly crouching and grabbing the closest weapon, an old bat. I'm not dying on the foremost day of this outbreak! And then swing it.

It dodges the attack move...


??? POV:


"Father, are you okay?" says ----- in a sad like tone

"Your Father has to is dealing with something," I say to their face.

----- was having problems but --- and --- helped them. While I was trying to help one of their children. ------ and --- come into the scene.

----- was carrying--- into their bedroom like bride style, and shutting the door behind them.

------- taken ----- into their room to continue playing Roblox. 

While I was left alone with the room. Like always. ---- wasn't around to playing Friday Funky and everyone else was busy with artwork or writing stories.

But not me, why I'm the only one who taking care of -----'s and ---'s children? I thought, but that's was my role. 

To help everyone else, even they don't need to ask me for it.

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