~Cherished & Separated Part 3~

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Dear Readers,

I'm apologetic for a late update, but I hope you people will forgive me as you all know what happened with me recently.

Also, I won't be socializing much with the community around here, as I now realized no one can really be trustworthy. I am aware of it and trust like 2-3 people, but I don't want to be really close to anyone, so please don't mind my behavior.

I won't be much online nowadays, as I have restarted my astronomy since it's been months since I stepped out for stargazing.

A certain incident took place in Wattpad in our community, which completely shook me in and out. In order to calm myself, I am searching for some answers and something which would help me.

My trust has completely wandered away from society.

I am currently suffering with mental trauma and really can't balance my emotions.

I doubted whether Close ones could be betrayers or not - but now I'm sure of it that trusting anyone nowadays is an absolute risk. 



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"True love isn't possible without Sacrifice. Where there's Pure Love, there's Sacrifice"

~Shri Krishna



Gathering some courage, I managed to shoot daggers with eyes, I've the audacity to glare at him even at such a time!! Woah, that's a new thing I discovered, probably Govind was right. 'Fire can't be caged or underestimated...'


Draupadi's POV~

I'm sure of the fire within me, but unsure of him, me glaring at him didn't make the slightest difference in his expressions, he was unaffected, which also was new to me...

I remember how 12 years ago, I glared at him in Panchaal during the time of our marriage. He squirmed and like he just wanted to run away far from me, but suddenly the shy, hesitant Arjun which I knew seemed to vanish into thin air!

Probably he's more experienced? I just wanted to march from here, grab my belongings and run to Panchaal, probably forever, but I was helpless and hopeless. How am I going to survive these Six days with him by my side?!

I shouldn't lose hope? It sounded more like a plea to me rather than a firm order by which I learned to control my emotions and my actions, for all these Twelve years, but nothing was worth it currently, probably I'll have to work to find new tactics?

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