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It's exam week now, a time of intense pressure and anticipation. The air is filled with a sense of urgency as students immerse themselves in studies, determined to perform their best before the semester concludes and the long awaited Christmas break begins. It's a period marked by personal revisions and group discussions where every student is striving to absorb and retain as much knowledge as possible. Despite the overwhelming demands of exam presentations, we've been advised to take breaks during revision and studies to relax and unwind. Even though we have to do well in the exams, we still have to prioritize our wellbeing.

I planned revision in advance by making a study schedule I can easily follow and abide to. Mrs. Jacky told us that exams are important but even if you don't attain the marks you desire and expected, it's still okay and not the end of the world. I've been revising for the exams with Ava, Lucas also joining us sometimes after he's done with his own revision since we're all in business school. He has helped Ava and I alot and we're beyond grateful for it. We're suppose to study together again today and I'm sure he's on his way here. I already did all the chores in the house and now all I'm going to do and concentrate on is revision for tomorrow's exams.

I place my macbook and books on the table just as a familiar sound of the doorbell resonates through the room, interrupting the stillness of the air. I make my way to the door eager to see who awaits on the other side. As I swing it open, there stands Lucas, a radiant smile lighting up his face. Without a moment's hesitation, he steps forward, his arms outstretched and envelopes me in a tight embrace. Warmth and comfort swell in me as his strong arms wrap around me and pulling me closer as if he's trying to merge our souls into one. Gone are the days when Lucas would shy away from physical contact. When I tried to hug him, he would pull away in discomfort but now everything has changed. He's the one who mostly initiates the hugs and they usually last for minutes. I always end up smelling like him and his cologne that I like so much. The scent of his cologne has now become so familiar to me, a captivating fragrance and a mixture of musky notes and subtle hints of citrus.

He places the small box he has come with on the kitchen counter and opens the fridge taking out a bottle of milk. He prefers milk to coffee and tea.

Lucas opens the cookie jar next and takes out some oreo cookies, putting them in a plate and carrying them to the dining room with the milk.

Then he shrugs off his jacket and it slides down his broad shoulders, revealing a white sleeveless hoodie clinging to his well defined physique. He wraps his fingers around the neck of the milk bottle, bringing it to his lips and taking a long sip. "There's a glass right there." I point at the glass on the table.

"I can clearly see it." Lucas answers going back to drinking from the bottle.

Going back to the kitchen I pick the small box he came with, cradling it in my hands and carrying it with me to the dining room. Opening it, my eyes widen at the collection of chocolate cream doughnuts inside, perfectly arranged and irresistibly tempting. Their round shapes are adorned with a glossy chocolate glaze, glistening under the gentle lighting in the room. "All these for me?" Giggling in happiness I pick one doughnut taking a big bite. Each doughnut beckons me closer, their aroma of rich cocoa and sweet cream tantalising my senses.

"Yes. I made those with my dad and sister earlier today. We made so many and I figured I should bring you some."

Just from the first bite I can already feel the goodness of the creamy chocolate ganache that's inside, the doughnuts soft and fluffy. "Thank you so much." Taking another bite I head to the kitchen to brew coffee. It's 7.30 pm now but I still want to drink some. "Do you want some coffee?" I ask Lucas who shakes his head drinking the milk instead. Pouring the hot coffee in a cup, I carry it to the dining table as he disposes the empty milk bottle. "You just drank a whole bottle of milk."

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