Chapter 13 - Happenchance

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"It is definitely her handywork." Nikola said with a smile as he pushed the leg of the male body on the floor with a heavy boot.

"You are sure?" The phone line crackled with Kristofor's question.

"Oh, yes." Nikola's grin widened.

"So, you no longer think that she tries to evade you?"

"She has led us a merry dance, but she leaves signs a blind man could follow."

"You have had no call to use the tracking device then?"

"Only to confirm that it still works as it should. Otherwise, there has been no need. The tracks she leaves are obvious."

"Good, good!" Kristofor's delight was clear even given the great distance between the two men. "Then she is doing exactly as we asked."

"So, it would seem."

"Come now, old friend. There is no need to sound so glum. Anybody would think that you were hoping that she was not being true to her word?"

Nikola grunted quietly. "She may yet give me a reason to end her life."

"What was that? What did you say Nikola? I couldn't hear you over the static."

"Nothing important." Nikola replied quickly.

"What is your location now?"

"About a 100km North-East of Sarajevo. We are not far from where the mountains end. That is unless she plans to take us round in circles again."

"And where do you think she will head now?"

"If she is heading East, then the sensible route would be to drop down onto the plains and follow the Danube to the Black Sea."

"Except, Sam rarely takes the easy or obvious route." Kristofor mused almost absently. "And even if the Danube flows freely, it will bring her into contact with many others; there are likely to be many settlements along the river."

"True, but the only alternative is through the Carpathian Mountains, up through the spine of Romania. That would be a difficult journey at any time, but in the middle of Winter... only a fool would take such a route."

"Or somebody who wants to limit the contact of the two outlanders with others. Somebody who wants the two outlanders to become completely dependent upon her and her alone."

"I suppose." Nikola replied begrudgingly.

"It does not matter. The tracking device will show you which route she takes."

"It will matter if we have to follow her through those mountains in the middle of Winter."

"Are you saying that she is able to go where you are not?" Kristofor goaded gently.

"Of course not." Nikola replied unamused. "But we have already been gone for some time and the prospect of many further weeks of travel in more difficult terrain is unlikely to be well received."

"Well received or not, it is vital that where Sam goes, you follow. Is that understood?" Kristofor's question fell little short of a command; although he had rarely found it necessary to issue his most trusted aide and friend an order.

"Of course." Nikola replied, unaffected by the instruction or the manner of its delivery.

"And how are your warriors? How is their morale? Do they still hold to their beliefs?"

"We haven't had cause to use the filthy weapons we carry, if that is what you mean?"

Kristofor chuckled. "Morale is good then?"

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