Lunch in the Park

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Familiar. That's what her scent was. It was familiar. Godzilla didn't know why, he never met this girl before in his life but there was something about her. It wasn't just her scent ether. No there was a feeling that Godzilla felt deep inside himself as he looks upon her. The feeling was alien to him but it was also welcoming at the same time.

Hestia: well are you going to say something or are you just going to stand there?

No that wasn't going to happen. Godzilla was already leaving and not even this little girl was going to stop him. So Godzilla began walking forward towards the Goddess in front of him. As soon as he was in front of Hestia he stopped and reached down towards the Goddess. The other Olympians present in fear for Hestia prepared to fight.
The Goddess in question though didn't do anything. Hestia saw Godzilla reaching for her but she didn't step away, she didn't move, she didn't even flinch. Hestia knew Godzilla better then anyone else and she knew he wasn't going to hurt her. Hestia was right. All Godzilla did was grab the young goddess and throw her onto his back essentially giving her a piggy back ride. After doing that the lost God began walking again.

Hestia: sooooo where are we going?

Godzilla: get food.

Hestia: where going to get food?

Godzilla: yes........hungry.

Godzilla then turned his head to look at Hestia on his back.

Godzilla: hungry?

Hestia: am I hungry?

Godzilla just nodes his head yes confirming that was his question.

Hestia: I could go for something to eat with my nephew.

Godzilla continued to look a Hestia waiting for an answer. Hestia in turn was confused. That is until she realized what was going on. Godzilla had pretty much just started learning mortal words so he may not have understood her long way of saying yes to his question.

Hestia: yes Gojira I am hungry.

Godzilla nodded to Hestia that he understood before facing forward again. As he faced forward he didn't notice the sad look on Hestia's face. She hated just how little her nephew knew because of his life experiences. She was so upset by that she didn't even realize that she began petting Godzilla's head trying to comfort him. Something that the God of monsters actually found pleasing.
It didn't take Godzilla and Hestia long to get where they were going. Hestia was surprised though as they were in Central Park. That is until a thought popped into her head. One in which she didn't want to think about but was most likely true.

Hestia: Gojira why are we here?

Godzilla: food.

Hestia: and when you say food do you mean.......

Godzilla: food!

Godzilla yelled as he lunged at one of the mean animals found in the park.

Hestia: oh dear.

It wasn't to much longer later that Hestia and Godzilla found themselves sitting down away from everyone. Godzilla was digging into his second squirrel while Hestia wasn't eating anything. Instead she was just looking at Godzilla with another sad look on her face. Only this time Godzilla did notice the look.

Godzilla: what?

Hestia: oh nothing I was just think that I'm going to slap your parents the next time I see them.

Godzilla: no parents.

Hestia: what was that?

Godzilla: no parents, only Godzilla.

Hestia: no Gojira you do have parents.

Godzilla: no parents! Only Godzilla!

Hestia wasn't nervous or scared by Godzilla's little outburst. He never knew his parents so to his perspective he was right about not having any. Still though Hestia thought that it was about time that he learned everything. Hestia then watched as Godzilla reached for yet another squirrel.

Hestia mind: it might also be good for him to become a little more civilized.

Hestia then watched as Godzilla tore into the animal.

Hestia mind: we'll just take it one step at a time.

Hestia continued to watch as Godzilla ate his fill of food. Neither one speaking a word to one another. Hestia didn't mind as she knew Godzilla wasn't the best with sentences and Godzilla didn't care because he was more focused on eating. Eventually though he did get full.

Godzilla: good food.

Hestia gave Godzilla a bright smile.

Hestia mind: it's a good thing I put a mist barrier around use while he ate or the mortals might have called the cops.

Hestia then thought about what might have happened if the cops were called.

Hestia mind: those pore men.

Hestia was then brought out of her own thoughts when Godzilla stood up. Hestia watched as her nephew stood to his full height.

Godzilla: I go home now.

The Goddess hearing this shot up quickly.

Hestia: so soon, we haven't spoken much. How about you stay a little longer.

Godzilla: sleep now.

Hestia mind: I want to reincorporate him into the family. I can't do that if he leaves. I got to get him up to Olympus.

Godzilla then began to walk away without even a goodbye. Hestia hadn't given up yet. The Goddess was determined to make her family whole again. Hestia then ran in front of Godzilla stopping him in his tracks. He thought nothing of it at first but when Hestia kept getting in front of him every time he tried to go around is when Godzilla began to get angry.

Hestia: do you really need to leave yet?

Godzilla: yes.

Hestia: why?

Godzilla: sleep.

Hestia: oh you can sleep anytime you want how about staying a little longer.

Godzilla: no! I go home!

Hestia wasn't discouraged by Godzilla yelling at her at all. This was something Godzilla found weird as usual most creatures smaller then him, like her, run away when he raised his voice at then. But Hestia didn't and Godzilla found that interesting, not enough to stay but still. Godzilla was even more surprised though when Hestia started looking at him with big puppy dog eyes.

Hestia: please don't go yet. I want to take you to see my home. Will you come with me to see my home?

Godzilla didn't answer her question and instead just looked at the Goddess in front of him. Then out of nowhere Godzilla grabbed Hestia and again threw her on his back.

Godzilla: where?

Hestia couldn't help but gain a big smile on her face. She then pointed Godzilla in the direction of New York's Empire State Building.

Hestia: that way.

And with that the two where off. But what kind of welcome will they receive when they arrive.

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