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Being shunned by almost everyone outside of Ogre Street? She didn't care.

Being broke for most of her life? Nothing she couldn't handle.

But falling in love with someone she would never be allowed to be with? That was painful. Especially as she watched her so being happy with a boy.

It only pained her more that this boy was everything (Y/N) wasn't. A young gentleman with a kind smile, enough money to give Erina anything and everything she could ever want, and if the two ever truly started dating, no one would shame them for it.

There were times she wondered what it was like to be in the Joestar's shoes. But (Y/N) could never take Erina's happiness away. Erina's smile was what she cherished more than anything, and if this was the price she had to pay to see it, then so be it.

Erina didn't deserve what was coming to her.

Erina was still beaming long after she and Jonathan had parted ways. She couldn't wait to tell (Y/N) all about it!

Suddenly, a strange young man stood in her way. "Hi. Are you Erina?" Two familiar boys stood by his side. "You and JoJo look happy together."

She took a step back, instantly knowing things wouldn't end well. "I knew something was wrong. He's been happy where he should be miserable."

She had to leave. Now. Just as she began running, Dio pulled her back and forced his lips onto hers.

"He did it!" Erina began tearing away at his shirt, attempting to break away. "That's our Dio! He's got way more guts than we do! He's my idol! I want to be him!"

Erina was unceremoniously dropped into the dirty water. "Have you and JoJo kissed yet? Not yet, eh? Your first kiss was not with him! It was with me!"

The horrible realization finally reached Erina's mind. He was right. Her first kiss shouldn't have gone this way! She needed to clean herself!

"Look! What is she doing?" One of Dio's lackeys pointed at Erina. "What is she thinking? She's washing with puddle water! Is she nuts? There's a stream nearby!"

"You wench!" Dio yelled, raising his hand to strike the girl. "You're just doing that to insult me!"

Erina closed her eyes, waiting for the impact to happen. But it never did. Instead, she heard a heavy splash beside her.

"It's (Y/N)!" the boys exclaimed. "(Y/N) tackled Dio to the ground!"

Erina opened her eyes to see (Y/N) gripping the collar of Dio's shirt. "How dare you!" Dio roared, digging his fingers into the arm that held him down. "You'll ruin my—!"

"Shut the hell up!" Erina had never seen (Y/N) this angry. Of course, she had her bad days and would get mad every once in a while, but she looked truly enraged right now.

"Get the hell off me! I can ruin your life!"

"I told you to shut up! What, do you want to wash your mouth, too?"

(Y/N) grabbed a fistful of Dio's golden hair and held it close to the murky water. "Go on! Wash up!"

"Dio! We'll help you fend off this wench!" Both boys ran up to tackle the girl. (Y/N) lifted Dio from the ground, tossing him into the shorter one and knocking them down, leaving only the taller of the two.

Unfortunately, he had snatched the girl's knife while she was busy with his buddies, and when she turned to face him, he slashed her in the side. Luckily, she managed to jump away last second, so it didn't deal as much damage.

HUMANITY / Yandere JJBA X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now