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"Maybe they need a new choreographer?"

I sighed, my arm slung over my eyes as I laid on my bed, Seo-jun slinging out ideas as he paced around the floor of our shared bedroom.

     "A multi-million dollar company wants a 21 year old for a choreographer?" I took my arm off my eyes and watched as he sat on the bed across the room. "Not likely."

He shrugged. "Well what else would they want you for?"

"Wow thanks for the vote of confidence."

"No I'm serious." He met my eyes. "He wouldn't have heard you sing, and your half-hearted humming wouldn't have cut it."

The small room went silent for a few minutes as the both of us thought for a moment. Well, Seo-jun thought. I stared absently at the ceiling.

He finally spoke up. "I think you should call them."

I sat up to look at him. "Seriously?"

He sat up as well, resting his chin in his hand as he looked me. "Well, what's holding you back? It's not like you have a job."

I let out a sigh of frustration. He was right. I didn't have a job, or a house since the both of us were staying with our parents. We had only moved back to Japan about a week ago, right before New Years Eve. The only way we had been able to make money was setting up at different spots on the street throughout the day, hoping someone would drop money into our hat. I've always wanted to be noticed, but this whole situation almost seemed too good to be true.

I shrugged. "I don't know. What if we're reading into it?"

"What if we're not?" He gave me a gentle smile. "Come on , Ye-seo. What's the worst that can happen?"

Seeing his hopeful expression I groaned. "Fine," I relented. "Can you hand me my phone?"

He stood up, making his way to the desk on the wall and unplugging my phone. I barely had to react as he chucked it at me, managing to grab it before it hit my shoulder.

"Has my aim improved?" He smirked.

I shook my head in disbelief. "You're so dumb."

"At least I have a brain."

"You don't use it." I took the business card out of my pocket, holding it up to the light to read the numbers. "If you had broken it, the money to fix it would come from you."

"Sure it would."

I rolled my eyes as I typed in the last of the numbers. My finger hovered over the call button as I felt my heart skip a beat in anticipation and fear. Noting my hesitation, Seo-jun moved to sit beside me on my bed.

"Put it on speaker," he whispered. "I'll be silent, I promise, but that way I can help."

I nodded and reluctantly pressed the button.

It rang.

And rang.



"H-hello?" I cursed myself inwardly, having stumbled over the word, as Seo-jun silently lost it beside me.

I glared at him.

"Is this by chance the street dancer I gave my card to today?"

"Uh, yes sir. And you don't have to speak Japanese. I'm fluent in Korean."

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