Sero: "Death All Around"

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Sero has loved you ever since school started. Even after graduation. He's been madly obsessed with you. He would always try to hang out and be around you anytime he could. Though, he would always get jealous when you talked to someone else.

One day, Sero had decided to see if you were free so he called you.

~On the phone~

"Hey Y/N!"

"Hey Sero!"

"Can you hang out this weekend?"

"Yeah, I can hang out."

"Ok great! I'll come get you later at 6."

"Got it!"

"Ok see ya!"

"See ya!"

You then hung up the phone. You kind of just wasted the day away doing whatever you liked until 5 o'clock hit. That's when you started getting ready. Though, he came an hour early. You heard a knock on your door. You then went downstairs to open it.



"Ok so I have some fun things for us to do this weekend."

"Oh really? What's that?"

"We are going to the movies!"

He then pulled out two movie tickets.

"Oh my god! Are these tickets to that new horror movie I've been talking to you about?"


"Thank you!"

You then hugged him. He hugged you back.

"It's no big deal. We'll be leaving at 6:30. But, since I'm here now, can I just hang with you until we have to leave?"

"Yeah that's fine."

You let him in. You both just chilled out in the living room showing each other memes and listening to music until you had to leave. By that time, you both quickly rushed to get your stuff.

"You ready?"

Sero was calling you from outside your bedroom door.

"Yep just let me get my shoes on!"

Once you did that, you came out of your room. You both then walked outside to Sero's car. He opened the door for you, letting you in. He did the same when you got in. You and Sero talked the entire ride there. You guys arrived just in time to get your stuff and head to the theater. At one point in the movie, there was a jump scare and you ended up throwing popcorn on Sero.

"You are such a scaredy cat."

"Shut up."

When it was over, you guys were heading back to the exit but someone had called your name.

"Hey Y/N! Hey Sero!"

It was Denki and Kirishima.

"Hey guys! What's up?"

They both hugged you. Sero's face filled with fury when he watched them hug you.

'The nerve they have'

"Nothing much. We just watched this cool action movie."

"Me and Sero just saw the new horror movie."

"Is that the one where a group of friends are actually serial killers?"

"Yep. That's the one."

"I bet it was awesome!"

"I'm going to have nightmares tonight."

All three of you laughed.

"Anyway, we better get going. It's late."

"Alright see you guys later."

"Hold on Y/N. Denki, Kiri, would you guys like to hangout with us? I'm taking Y/N back to my place to hangout."



"Ok sounds like a good plan."

"Alright see ya in a little bit."

"See ya."

Sero then took your hand walking out to the exit with you. You both walked back to his car. He did the same thing he did at your house opening the door for you. You both made it back to Sero's house. You both then sat in the living room waiting for Denki and Kiri to show up.

"Hey guys! We're back!"


"Alright, you guys go sit down. I'm going to make some food for us and then we'll watch another movie or play games. We'll just kinda do whatever."

"Sounds good!"

Kiri and Denki then sat with you. You guys talked about the movies you guys saw, laughing and enjoying your talk. Sero watched in disgust. As he made food, he put poison in Denki and Kiri's meals.

"Snacks are served!"

"This looks so good!"

"Tastes good too!"

"Thanks you guys."

'Any moment now, they'll drop dead'

Denki and Kiri then started to look sick.

"Bro, i don't feel good."

"Neither do I."

"I may have put a little too much sugar. I couldn't find the measuring cups."

Then, out of nowhere, their bodies just dropped. You ran next to their dead bodies checking for pulse or breathing. No pulse. No breathing. Sero started laughing maniacally. You freaked out.

"Sero! Why are you laughing!? They're dead!"

"Yeah. I killed them. I put poison in their food."

"Why would you do that!?"

"So I can have you to myself."

"I'm never going to date you if that's what you think!"

"You sure about that?"


"Just wait here for a second."

He then picked up their dead corpses and a shovel. He went outside, burying their bodies in the back. He came back, putting the shovel away. He watched as you cried on the couch. He walked over to the kitchen area and grabbed a knife, heading back to you.

"I did all of this just for us to be together with no distractions."

"I'm never going to date you! You're a killer!"

"I could also kill you if you say no. There were some good techniques in that movie you know."

He then put the knife to your throat. You sat still not saying a word.

"Well then, it looks like you have to. If you say no, I will kill you. But I will also keep your corpse with me because if you're dead, you can't run from me or tell me no! So, what's it going to be?"

You sat there, feeling too many emotions at once. They were all mixed together and you had no idea which one to feel.

'Kill me? And keep my corpse? That's creepy. I have no choice though. I want to stay alive'

"Alright fine."

"Wonderful. Now, we don't speak of what happened. Got it?"



He then went in to kiss you. At first, you backed away. Then, Sero brought up the knife again. You let him kiss you. Then, you became under his control. You were never allowed to see anyone else again or leave the house. You were now trapped with him. The worst part was he would always remind you of Kiri and Denki. Talking about how they were fools to talk to you and always mentioning their bodies buried in his yard. But, the main one.

Resisting and dying, keeping your corpse with him.

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