dont leave

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~•Sofia pov•~

As we all start panicking while y/n looks half dead, I start feeling dizzy.

"Dad..?" I asked as my eyes roll back in my head.

"Are you okay, Sofia." He asks as I lay down next to y/n's body.

I close my eyes and pass out.

I wake up in a forest, I look to my right to see y/n with an old women.

"Y/n! Wha do you think you're doing!" I shouted at her while walking towards her.

"Sofia?" Y/n asked confused and with with a shocked look. "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you to wake up!" I yelled as she looked at the women.

The women had a shocked face.

"Do we have to go.. right now?" She asked as I looked at her annoyed.

"Yes! We do y/n!" I yelled as the women spoke.

"What if you could stay?" The women asked.

"First of all, No! Second of all, who are you?" I asked as y/n elbowed me.

"It's my Abuela! I mean our Abuela." She said as I looked at her.

"Do you know where we are?" I asked the women.

"This is peace. You girls have to find a way to get back to reality." She said, then she gave us her hand. "Copy what I'm saying."
We start chanting this spell. I open my eyes to my family and the madrigals.

I look to my side to see y/n looking at me.
I realized that the glass cut y/n's skin so many times that it stabs her.

Señora Julieta comes running in with a arepa, I grab it and shove it in y/n's face.
The cuts slowly start to disappear.

She looked at mama and asked.
"Did Abuela die?"

"Mama looked absolutely shock.
What do you mean, I just talk to her like a week ago.. she can't be dead.. no.. no way she's dead."

"We saw her." I said as mama started tearing up.

"Ay Dios mío.." mama cried as Julieta and Pepa comforted her.

"She said she was at peace." Y/n said as I nodded.

"You two should get rest in Camilo or Mirabels, room." Abuela Alma said.

"Come in my room." Mirabel said before Camilo said anything.

Camilo looked at Mirabel confused and annoyed, and we go upstairs.

"How did this happen?" I asked y/n as she looked at me.

"I was in Camilo's room and we were talking-" y/n said getting interrupted.

"They were basically swallowing eachother." Mirabel said as y/n looked at her.

"And then Amber walked in and then walk out and then threw me across the room with a motus." She said as I looked shocked.

"Oh my god, you made out with Camilo?" I asked as she glared at me.

"Seriously, are you even listening?" Y/n asked as I looked at Mirabel.

"Yeah, just that.. it's Camilo.. the crush you had from 1st grade." I said looking back at y/n.

"Okay, can we just skip the Camilo part please?" Y/n asked as I smirked.

"Alright." I said.

"Amber threw me, with magic. Magic." She said as I looked at Mirabel again.

"So?" I asked her.

"Do you not know what this means? She's a witch!" Y/n said as I looked at her blankly.

"Congrats to her." I said.

"Girls come downstairs!" We hear dad say.

~•Y/n pov•~

We both go downstairs to see our dad with a bag.

"Where are you going?" I asked as he looked at us upset.

"What's happening." Sofia asked.

"Girls.. your dad.. will be.. leaving.. again?" Mama said as we both looked at him.

"..what..?" I said looking at him in tears.

"You always leave, just to come back again!" Sofia yelled then going up to Mirabel's room.

I look at him in shock.

"..y/n, I need t-" he said.

"How could.. you, you came here. Earned my trust, just so you can break it again!" I said as he looked at Mama.

"Y/n! Im not good for this family, I'm hurting you and Sofia!" Dad said as I snap.

"Yes! You're hurting us by leaving!" I yelled as he walked towards me.

"Y/n you almost died because of me! Both of you did! ... I've only found out how dangerous I am to you, I could kill you." He said as snapped at him.

"Then let us die!" I yelled as everyone starts looking at eachother.

"You promised." I cried as he walked towards me in tears.

"Y/n, I'm sorry." Dad said as I got more angrier.

"No, you're not! If you were you wouldn't be doing this to us!" I yelled as he hugged me then kissed my forehead.

"Tell your sister, I'm sorry." He said leaving.

I drop to my knees crying then feeling someone hugging me.

"I'm sorry, mi amor, he had to go." Mama said While kissing my forehead.

"I think you should stay in Camilo's room for a while." She said as I go upstairs to his room and Camilo follows me.

I layed down on the edge of the bed.
"Are you okay?" Camilo asked as I looked at him wiping my tears with a fake smile.

"Yea," I sniffed. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Y/n.." Camilo said sitting down on the bed next to me.

"Don't. Please, don't." I said sitting up as he continued.

"It's okay to be upset about something." Camilo said as I start tearing up again.

"I'm.. fine." I sniffed as he tilted his head annoyed, I looked up at the celling.

"Yea, fine.. just got something in my eyes." I said in a broken voice.

"You want a hug?" Camilo asked as I started real crying and nodding. He hugs me and I cry in his arms.

"You better not be getting tears, on my pouch." Camilo said while I laugh then sniffed.

He patted my back and sighed, then I hear a beeping sound and pull away to see it's my necklace.

I press on the middle and somehow a small version of my dad on it.

"What the-" I said so does Camilo.

"Hey, kiddo. I assumed you were crying your eyes out soo..  you're probably wondering, "what, how is he on my necklace." This was your Abuela's necklace. I gave it to her.." dad Said.

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