Let the games begin

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Marios p.o.v
I can see 23 other different Nintendo characters standing on podiums getting ready to rush into the field to grab a weapon or weapons. I see my brother Luigi and next to him is bowser our arch nemesis. I spot another character it looks like manky Kong and it seems like he is getting a bit impatient then all of a sudden he yells out "I'm starting right now" then he runs towards the weapons then boom he's blown up by a mine.
Links p.o.v woah what the heck just happened! Then a voice goes over a p.a saying the games is going to start in 3 2 1 go. Then everyone starts running. I grab a bow and a sword then I turn around and there's night mare I take a swing and miss the he throws me at the wall. I quickly pick myself up take another swing and I take a chunk out of his arm. I quickly take another swing and now he is laying on the ground. I check his pulse and nothing. He's dead.

Nintendo gamesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora