t w o // remembering last night ( smut )

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( x transmasc reader , post top surgery, on t, normal universe au, enjoy babes , also g/f/n , means girl friend name so just insert your epic female besties name )

you sat up, groaning and rubbing the sleep from your eyes. your head was pounding. what happened last night? you could hardly remember anything. you looked around to see you were in your hotel room. the sun was up and when you looked to the clock, it read 11:43 am. you cleared your throat and looked over to see someone asleep beside you. a handsome boy, brown hair, soft face. wait.. what the hell happened last night. you were naked and assumed his body, covered by the blanket, was as well. scrambling through your thoughts you tried to remember.

last night

"y/n over here!" your friend called from across the bar. you smiled and made your way over to the table occupied by your small group of friends. they had already ordered a tray of shots and you sat down, taking one right away. "we're so glad you could make it!" another friend exclaimed. it was so hard for them to get you out of the house and they finally managed to drag you to some bar in the big part of the city. the bar was pretty dark, only a few set fluorescents and some blacklights. your finger ran over a small divit on the edge of the table and you wondered how it got there. you often found yourself thinking over the smallest details of any setting you put yourself in. when you set your attention back to your friends, they were whispering amongst themselves and looking past you into the bar. when you turned to see what they were looking at, you saw him. a man wearing a glossy purple button up shirt, the sleeves pushed up his arms. a black tie that had been untied and placed around his shoulders. the top three buttons were undone, leaving just a bit of his chest exposed. he smiles and laughs when someone speaks to him, then glances your direction. bright blue eyes catch yours and you quickly jerk your head away, looking back to your friends.

"oh my god hes coming over here." she giggles and grips the other girls arm. you tense up. did he see you staring? you couldn't have been looking for that long. shit. "evening ladies." a gental voice comes from behind you. the girls giggle into their hands and wave to him. he looks down at you. "..and gentlemen." a hot blush creeps up your ears and your body stiffens. "can i buy you guys some drinks?" you go to respond "no tha-"

"oh sure thank you!" your friend blurts out before you can finish. you stare sharply at her and she smiles. the man grins and turns towards the bar. "g/f/n what the hell!" you whisper shout to her. she throws her hands up in defence. "whaaaat? he's cute." you sigh and rub a hand over your face before pushing your hair back neatly and brushing nonexistent wrinkles from your button down. after a few minutes, the man returns. he sets down a drink infront of each of your friends, "margaritas for the pretty ladies... and for you.." he sets down yours. "something fruity. you look like that type." you blush and try to hide your face and look away from him. he literally just called you fruity. is he fruity? you glance at him. he's smiling warmly at you and gestures to the seat. "mind if i sit?" yes you did mind. who did this guy think he was? "sure go ahead." idiot. you cursed yourself and you slid over to offer more space. he sits beside you joyfully, sipping his own drink.

the four of you are talking for a while and your head is starting to hurt from the loud music blaring over the bar. you excuse yourself and walk towards entrance and out the door. it's cold outside. you sit on the sidewalk, bringing you knees to your chest and light a cigarette. you take a long drag from the stick between your fingers and let the smoke burn in your lungs momentarily before exhailing. a few minutes go by before somebody comes out the door and to no surprise, it was him. "hey there you are." you scoff, taking another drag and blow the smoke out. "what do you want?" he slides down the wall, sitting beside you and holds his hand out. you hand over the cigarette and he brings it to his lips, pulling off it and looking at you when he exhales. you watch the smoke leave from his slightly chapped lips. you dont know why but you wanted to ki- "wanna go back in?" no. you didnt. you wanted to go home and go to sleep and just be away from all the energy. "yeah.." the man stands up, taking your hand and lifting you up with him.

michael afton x reader ( o n e s h o t s )Where stories live. Discover now