Worth Fighting For

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(A/N: Hey hey hey, I'm back with more fanfiction! BUT, this time it's not RATLD, Peter Pan, or Avatar (2009). It's............. Kung Fu Panda!

I loved these movies when I was younger, (in fact, I'm still waiting for the next three movies... which are likely to never come out 😢) and still do. Heck, I'm even shipping Po and Tigress to this day.

Speaking of TiPo, (their ship name.) that's the main pairing for this one shot (well, obviously, it's in the description).

Also, I don't own the cover artwork or the other artwork at the top. All credits for them go to the artists who created them.

Oh, and about the cover artwork..... I like to imagine it as a part of something that happens later on in the story- Oops! I've said too much. 🤭

I don't own the song at the top either. All credits go to Halsey (LOVE her music).

Ok, enough drabble, lessgo.)


They told her it was impossible.

That interspecies couples couldn't produce children. 

Tigress left the doctors office with her head low and a heavy heart. A cold breeze whistled through the streets as she walked home.

Po was at the door when she returned with open arms.

"Hey, Tigress! How did go? Did you- Hey, what's the matter? Where are you going?"

He followed her to the cherry tree at the cliff, and found her sitting against the trunk, hugging her knees. He sat beside her, putting an arm around her shoulder.

"What'd the doctor say?" 

Tigress sighed, tears welling up in her eyes. "He, he- He said- he said, because you're a panda. and I'm a tiger, we- we can't have children together."

Po couldn't believe his ears. After all this time, after all the weeks of nervously practicing confessing he liked her, finally telling her, their first kiss, and their wedding day almost a year later, they couldn't start a family together?

He opened his mouth to say something, but then shut it, and just held her tight. 

"Y'know what? I think we should try anyway." said Po, after contemplating in silence for a while.

"What???" Tigress pushed him away. "Po, have you lost your marbles?!"

"Hey, hey, I'm just sayin', we won't know until we try."

"True." Tigress took a deep breath and tried to calm down. 

"You in? Totally cool if you're not by the way."

"No, no, let's try. It's not like anything will stop us, right?"


It took almost a month, but the couple finally learnt they were expecting.

"I'm very happy for the both of you," said the doctor. "But, try not to get too attached. Because, you know, interspecies romance makes it more difficult to have children together."

"Yeah, we know," said Po. "Don't worry, we got this."

"A cub?" said Master Shifu when they told him and the rest of the Five. "Congratulations to the both of you."

"Sweet," said Mantis. "We'd better be allowed to teach it kung fu in the future."

"Sure, when they're forty," joked Tigress.

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