part 2: anal

418 10 19

contains smust 😍😍
APRIL FOOLS!1!1!1! 👹👹👹👹👹 you THOUGHt
btw my sincerest apologies for such late updates, they'll most likely take a while

Licorice mumbled as he woke up to the same dumb cookies we had to work with, this time Mushroom was towering over him. "Gah!" he yelled and pushed the smaller one off.
"Poison Mushroom?! Don't ever scare me like that again!"
"Sorryyy.." Mushroom looked down at the floor apologetically, Licorice just got up and pat them on their little mushroom hat.. or whatever it was. "Why were you doing that anyway?" he questioned.
"I saw Clover passing by today," Mushroom smiled proudly only to be scooped up roughly. "You WHAT?! Did you tell him anything? Maybe find out about anything?" Licorice held the smaller one face-high, PM's smile grew wider but frowned again.

"He didn't see me though" they said sadly. Licorice's face dropped and he had to catch himself before he straight up dropped Mushroom too, he thought for a bit.
"Maybe we should go visit"
"What if they see us..?" Mushroom tilted their head. "It's fine!" Licorice smiled.
"But what if they hurt us too?"
"Trust me, those cookies will never hurt you again," the older one reassured. Mushroom nodded again and smiled.


"Isn't he angelic?" Licorice looked lovingly as Clover sang to the animals. Mushroom just sat behind with with a little harness and a leash around the older one's wrist.

"So you won't run off and scare me half to death!" Mushroom remembered Licorice saying.

"I must talk to him!" Licorice announced quietly. He was sort of talking to himself than Mushroom. Clover waved at the birds as they flew by, a butterfly landing on his hat.
Licorice felt his heart beating rapidly just looking at the cookie.
He slowly creeped out, making sure no other cookie could see him, and once he was right in sight he stood. He might see me this way, then I'd wave hello.. he thought.

His prediction was correct, Clover turned and noticed him, but they didn't exactly smile.
It was more of.. a worried look, to say the least. "What are you doing here?!" Clover half whispered.
"Do you have any idea how much trouble you can get in?!"
Licorice silently looked off to the side and didn't respond. He blushed when Clover grabbed his wrist and took him to the woods behind a tree, Mushroom quickly following the two.
"It isn't safe to just wonder into the kingdom, the others don't know what you came here for! They'll hurt you the moment they see you," Clover worriedly explained.

"I had to see you," Licorice blurted out. Blush crept onto both their faces upon the realization.
"Licorice.. We've been gone for a long time," Mushroom interrupted. Goddamnit Mushroom!
"Pomegranate is probably watching over the place, since she's the 'bossgirl'! She can handle the others herself," Licorice retorted.
Clover watched cluelessly while Licorice bickered as Mushroom had no change of emotion, he had to admit it seemed cute to see the two act like siblings to one another. It gave him somewhat a different view of the cookies of darkness.

"So! Um..-"
Clover's thoughts were interrupted by Licorice's nervous voice.
"I came here to ask you if.. well, maybe you and I could have a little meet up area to.. spend time.. together.." the words felt weird on Licorice's tongue. He's never had another 'genuine' friend besides Poison Mushroom, this might be his chance to meet someone new and spend time with. "Mushroom may join in often too," he quickly added and waited for Clover's response.

"Well, you do seem rather interesting.. I wouldn't mind getting to know you.. just no funny business," Clover accepted the proposal. "I have a personal garden that the cookies are rather respectful of not trespassing into, we could meet there!"

"Great..!" Licorice spoke nervously, mentally cursing as he realized how much his face heated up and prayed to witches it didn't show. "Tonight. Let's meet up tonight," Clover decided.
"Tonight! Yes, that's perfect"

"Marvelous. Now, you should go.. you've been gone quite awhile and I wouldn't want you getting in trouble"
He cares
"You're right! Let's go, PM" Licorice quickly picked Mushroom up like a doll. Clover giggled quietly at the sight.
'That was.. adorable'


"And where have you been?" Pomegranate spoke as Licorice entered. He sighed in annoyance. "Can't a cookie get any fresh air?"
"For nearly the entire day? Entrantress wouldn't be very pleased"
"C'mon, Pomegranate Cookie! Give me a break, I love her too, she's great! But I.. I wanna focus on myself too!"

The red cookie squinted at Licorice, she sighed in dismissal. "Don't let it happen too often, then. I don't want her to be raged again. Now go"
Licorice nodded and went to his area, Mushroom following.

"Now I just have to wait till midnight and I can see Clover again!" he squealed.
"Yay!" Mushroom cheered, not exactly grasping why.

Mushroom often slept in Licorice's room, which Licorice didn't mind. Company was nice.

All he had to do was wait for everyone to be asleep, then he could see the cookie of his dreams.

/This may be a little half-assed! I apologize if it's not as good/

DISCONTINUED!!!| Licorice x Clover (cookie run)Where stories live. Discover now