Chapter 1

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Three years later...

When most people have an audience with the king of Wakanda, it's a formal affair.

Bucky Barnes was not most people.

"Why don't you tell me why you're really here, James?" said T'Challa after the usual pleasantries had passed.

"I'm here to help you with your problem, your majesty," said Bucky. He'd been working the past few years with Sam as the new Captain America. He'd shed his moniker as the Winter Soldier completely and had embraced the title the Wakandans had given him. The slight hints of silver threaded through his black gear was not nearly as flashy as the stars and stripes, but the White Wolf was the stealthy of the two.

"You've heard," T'Challa exhaled, tension clearly knotting along his shoulder. "It was overshadowed with the loss of half of us, but it was only a matter of time before alien influences set their sights on Earth."

"I know that Wakandan tech is failing. And I know that your sister doesn't build tech that fails." Bucky flexed his metal arm and looked down at his hand. It was still the same one gifted to him all those years ago, before they came together to fight Thanos the first time.

T'Challa considered Bucky, then exhaled and paced over to a terminal. "You can understand why we would not want our vulnerability to be known. The only thing that keeps the powers of the world from encroaching on our borders is our superior technology. And we have been working to spread our knowledge to others. Now, there is not a corner of the world where you would not find a piece of Wakanda."

"But the rest of the world doesn't run on your technology. Doesn't depend on it"

"Correct," said T'Challa.

"It's a virus isn't it? From outer space." Bucky snorted. "Y'know, I've seen some crazy things in my life, but I still can't get over how much is actually out there, and how normal crazy statements like that are now. Thanks to our allies, we've seen a little bit of it, but we've only scratched the surface."

"Yes. It is...disconcerting. Fortunately, our key role in returning half the galaxy has left us with much goodwill and many allies. But it has also drawn the attention of others." T'Challa called up files onto the holo-wall. There were lab reports, a few suspect photos, and a map of locations.

"The virus seems designed to attack the vibranium," T'Challa continued. "It cannot destroy it. No matter how far we reach out into the galaxy, vibranium is still stronger and more versatile than nearly any known substance. But, what this virus seems to do is interrupt the interface of the software and the vibranium. So it would not affect Sam's shield, but it would affect that." He pointed at Bucky's arm. "My sister has spent many hours in deep frustration as her efforts to counteract the virus have so far been ineffective."

"I can imagine," drawled Bucky. Shuri was one of the smartest people alive with a wealth of technology at her fingertips and a deep well of Wakandan knowledge. She was not used to being foiled. He took a deep breath and looked to the files, nodding as it confirmed similar intel he already had. "We think it was introduced by offworlders and is being passed around the black market. The focus so far seems to be on targets who rely on Wakandan technology, not Wakanda itself. The criminals are eating their own. But it's only a matter of time before this becomes a threat to you."

"I agree," said the King. "But, so far we are only..." he motioned between them, "...telling each other what we already know. There is a reason you came to me in person."

Bucky hesitated. For a moment, he considered lying and just saying he wanted to visit the country that had facilitated his break from HYDRA's programming. But T'Challa was too smart for that. "I'm coming here to ask your permission for something. Permission I should have asked for last time. That mistake almost cost me your trust. I'm thickheaded, but I try not to make the same mistake twice."

Bucky could see the change in T'Challa's face. The King was a jovial man in private. He had been lucky enough to see it on a few occasions. But this was the Black Panther emerging, hardening his features.

"You're talking about Zemo," said T'Challa.

"We've hit a wall with our investigation, and it sounds like you have, too. He can help. No one knows the criminal underworld better than him."

"The man has been on the Raft for three years. And before that, in a Berlin prison, before you facilitated his escape." T'Challa's words were sharp. "How valid could his connections still be?"

Bucky opened his mouth to explain again why he had chosen to break Zemo out, but they had already done that. They had all chosen to move on, but the Wakandans didn't let injuries like that go easily. "But he knows them. He knows how they think, how they operate. How they plot, how power structures break and re-form. I have never met anyone who can predict behavior and read people like this guy." He took a steadying breath and sought the King's eyes. "Look, the world is full of new players and we don't have a map. And Zemo is a goddamn cartographer."

T'Challa was quiet - the kind of stoic quiet that seemed a feature of great leaders. He was clearly considering it and not dismissing Bucky out of hand. The man had, after all, stopped Zemo from killing himself on a mountaintop in Siberia, all those years ago.

After a moment of that silence, Bucky spoke again. "Look. He's dangerous. We know that. But I think I understand him. And I think..." he took a deep breath. "...I think he'll want to help. Look, he killed your father. He killed a lot of innocent people. And if you tell me not to, I'll drop it, right here. But I wouldn't be here if I didn't think we needed him."

The silence lingered a moment longer. T'Challa was not giving Bucky the eye contact he sought. But eventually, he spoke, slow and steady, "Helmut Zemo owes Wakanda a debt that can never be repaid." A pause, "...but I will not let vengeance blind me to an opportunity to safeguard my people."

Bucky exhaled a held breath.

"But..." said T'Challa before Bucky could relax too much. " I will consider his actions as if you have committed them yourself. And I will act accordingly."

That was...fair, but a huge responsibility. Zemo was, after all, true to his convictions but absolutely ruthless when he felt it was necessary. Bucky nodded once. "Thank you."

"And you will ensure he is returned to the Raft when this mission is complete. If the Dora have to chase him down a second time..."

Bucky nodded and held up a hand to indicate the King didn't need to continue. "Short leash. Got it."

"Now, White Wolf. I suggest you depart Wakanda before Ayo and Okoye hear what I have done."


It was only the connections being Sam's partner brought that allowed Bucky access to Zemo on the Raft. And only the formal request from Wakanda was going to allow him to take the Sokovian out of there. The Wakandans rarely asked for anything, so when they did? People tended to listen.

"We have to stop meeting like this," said Zemo from the other side of a thick pane of glass.

"How would you like to repay an old debt?"

Zemo smiled. "Anything for you, James."

Blood Debt - The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Bucky x Zemo)Where stories live. Discover now