Ch. 19 epiloge

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*eight years later*
"Cy if you don't hurry the tower won't be ready for robin and star when they get back from whatever that planet is called!" I shouted at cyborg as I finished hanging pink and blue streamers along the hallways. Robin and starfire had gotten married two years ago and just found out they were expecting. Hence the impromptu trip to stars home. Garfield and raven were married a few years before them and had one child a beautiful girl with black hair and blazing green eyes named jade. They were visiting ravens dad as they suspected little jade took after her mother power wise. And then there is cyborg and I. Happily married a year after my brother. We haven't had the pleasure of little ones yet. But we don't know if we ever will but we are ok with that. "Just finishing up the rooms!" I heard cyborg shout. He was preparing all the rooms. We still fought crime but it has died down over the years so mostly only cyborg and I were at the tower and the rooms were a bit dusty. I finished with the streamers and set about finding my husband. Ah there in jades room. I shifted into my cat form and slipped over to him. Then carefully I gadged my distance and boom! The main door opened with a bang startling cyborg and I. "Little sis! I'm back!" Garfield shouted. I sighed and looked at cyborg who had noticed me. "Next time my love." Cyborg said. I shifted back and was hit with a small bundle of limbs. "Aunty!" Jade shouted. "Hey sweetheart. Cyborg is in your room go get him." I whispered and jade flounced off a pale pink cape fluttered behind her. "So?" I asked as raven stepped in. "Yup she's got daemon in her. But that's not all." Raven said. "You ready to be an aunt again?" Garfield asked as cyborg walked out with jade. "No way!" I exclaimed happily. I looked and cyborg and noticed his soft smile. He wanted a child of his own. We heard starfire chatting robins ear off before the door opened again. "Hello friends!" Star said opening the door. Robin came in behind her and as always scanned the room for dangers. "How was your trip?" I asked giving them hugs. "It was marvoulis!" Star said. "It was pretty exciting. And due to starfire being royalty our children have a chance to become either queen or king." Robin said proudly. We sat around after that and watched jade play on the floor. Cyborg and I sat in my window seat he made for me all those tease ago. Suddenly I didn't feel very well. I could sense cys concern but I shook my head dismissing him. I heard raven muttering something and thought she was just talking to Garfield. Suddenly there were gasps all over the room as everyone looked at me. I looked at myself and I was glowing green. "What the?" I asked. "Lily you to are with child." Starfire exclaimed. I looked up at cyborg and he has a silly smile on his face. I was happy finally a family of my own.

*nine months later*
*cyborgs pov*
I paced the floor in the hallway. Lily was in labor but I wasn't allowed in the room. Something about me messing with the monitors or something. It was driving me crazy not being with her. Beast boy sat in a chair next to me keeping jade and their newest little one jasper entertained. "Just calm down. Jeez she will be fine. She's gone through worse." Beast boy said finally. I glared at him for reminding me of that fight that I almost lost her. I didn't want to loose her again. I sighed and began passing again. I hadn't seen her since early this morning and now it was late afternoon. Then raven walked out. "You guys can come in now." She said happily and whispered something in beast boys ear. I didn't care I raced into the room and lily was in bed holding two small bundles. "Hi." She whispered. "Twins?" I asked sitting beside her. "One boy and one girl." She said Holding out the blue bundle. I carefully held him. His skin light tan and his hair was pale blonde. He made a small noise but I shushed him softly and he calmed. "What you guys going to call them?" Beast boy asked from the doorway. "I was thinking irene for the girl." Lily said. I looked at my daughter to see if it fit. She had the same pale hair as her brother but the skin was a tad lighter. "Irene" I whispered trying it out. To my surprise she opened her eyes and they were the deepest shade of blue. "I think she likes it." I said captivated by her eyes. "What do you think for him?" Lily asked. "I'm thinking James." I said looking at lily. "James. I like it. Irene and James." Lily said. I took irene from lily so she could rest. James opened his eyes briefly to see what wa going on and I caught a shade of blue that was much like the ocean outside the tower. I cradled my children in my arms. Then and there I vowed to always protect them. Expesually my little girl who's eyes held an innocence in them

•Authors note•
Finally the story is over. I couldn't think of anything else but I wanted them to have a family. A new generation of titans. I hope the ending went well enough for you guys. Thanks for stickin with me. It was a blast.

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