The log before he wrote logs!!

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Everyone has memories they hate.  It wraps its ghostly smoke around you, suffocating you in the memory.  Making you regret the whole scenario.  Now, the memory could be anything ranging from embarrassment to flat out remorse.  Some of these memories could be saying the wrong word infront of peers, fucking up something in front of friends, hurting the feelings of someone you look up to, or even the murder of a beloved.  Everyone has this, no matter how life changing they have it. I personally like to personify mine, I believe its a shadow-fied wolf that can turn into a smoke and lock me into that memory.  That's what it feels like anyways.  It knows all my mistakes and all that I regret deeply.  I reckon it lives in my old axe head just waiting for me to fuck up again.  I wouldn't be me without my old axe though now would I?  That's exactly why I put my old axe parts in my bigger newly made axe.  Well, that and the good memories I've had with it.  I would sell my soul to make sure nobody knows what I've done.  If Oleg or Miles ever found out, they'll try to kill me even faster than before.  And if Finn or Yards finds out... I don't really want to think about their reactions.  I really am a monster aren't I?  If I wasn't sucked into this rift with my mask and axe I'd probably be dead before I came this far.  Not like I shouldn't have been killed however.

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