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Chapter 196: Making the Surveillance Video Available to Everyone (2)

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

"Oh my god, what did I owe you in my past life?"

Huo Yu's wailing voice came over from the phone.

An excruciating seven to eight minutes went by.

"Okay, okay. I got it done for you. It's as you've previously requested. Go online and check it out. If there's nothing else, I'm going back to sleep. Please don't wake me before noon."

Huo Yu let out a big yawn.

Then, he muttered in a quiet voice, "I have to work hard for your company during the day already. Now, even at night, you have to wake me up to deal with your personal affairs... One of these days, I'm going to die from overworking."

Then, Huo Yu hung up the phone.

Upon hearing Huo Yu's words, Jian Yuncheng opened the Shenghua High School campus forum. He saw the post that Huo Yu had just made with his own account.

The title of the post was: [Jian Yiling was Unjustly Accused. The Truth Behind Jian Yunnao's Injury. Surveillance Video of the Incident made Public.]

The contents of the post was the complete video of the incident. It showed the scene where Jian Yunnao had fallen down the stairs.

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Huo Yu had tweaked the algorithm of the post before posting it on the campus forum. Even if no one was following the post, it would be displayed at the top of the list. This was to ensure that everyone who logged on could immediately see the post.

Furthermore, Huo Yu had created another thread that he hadn't yet posted. The post revealed information about the person who had slandered Jian Yiling.

The post contained a detailed description stating that they'd already found the person who had been spreading inaccurate and slanderous information.

The security level of the Shenghua High School campus forum wasn't that high. As a result, it didn't take Huo Yu long to hack an account.

However, the strange thing was that the original owner of this account had already passed away in an accident last year. The original owner was a graduate of Shenghua High School a couple of years ago.

Thus, when everyone eventually saw the post, they would find it strange that the person who posted the thread was a supposedly 'deceased person'.

Huo Yu hadn't yet posted the second thread. Instead, he set up a timer on his computer. He wanted to post the second thread once the first one had reached certain popularity.

Very soon, the first post that Huo Yu had posted was seen by many students in Shenghua High School.

Although the previous posts had been deleted, the contents of those posts were fresh in everyone's memories.

However now, the surveillance video of the incident had been released. It proved that Jian Yiling wasn't the one who had pushed her brother down the stairs.

Everyone who had been spreading information about Jian Yiling pushing her brother down the stairs had been spreading lies.

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