Pepperoni for Dad

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Neon lights started to spread over Ninjago City.  I dragged myself, together with my suitcase to the other side of the road.  A few moments ago I had smelt Chen's noodle house, cooking all of its delicious goodness and sushi.  Now I had to force myself to the smell of pizza just right out of the oven.  I had no money and my feet were bruised after running away from that silly school.  The bins couldn't be used as beds much longer.  It's been four days.  I was alone.

I felt something drip down my cheek.  Maybe it was a tear.  But then more came and before long, I realised it had started to rain.  I was soaked and cold as a wet duckling.  I placed my hand on my forehead to brush away my hair, though I couldn't help but chuckle.  I didn't have a fringe anymore.

I walked till where the smell came from.  The sign read 'Buddy's Pizza' and on the front door there was a notice:

  The sign read 'Buddy's Pizza' and on the front door there was a notice:

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Without thinking, I stepped inside...


"So, you're the new guy, Dangerbuff eh?" the young man asked.  It was my first morning and my day of my first job.

I simply nodded.

"Right, take these, Dangerbuff, so go and change in the staff bathrooms.  They should be your size," he said as he handed over a worn-out red shirt, a belt and a pair of white long trousers.  I looked hard at him.  The young man must have been around 25 and his black goatie made him look a few years older.  But when you'd look at his small, beady eyes,  your mind goes straight back to the way one would talk to a child.  

"I'm Buddy Jr, and I'm in charge around here.  You're quite young, so if you mess up, you're out, got it?" he pushed the clothes to my chest as he spat on me.  

Perhaps he wasn't to be trusted, but if this was the only way to survive, I had to learn to obey and work for peanuts.

Nobody knew my real name.  Rocky Dangerbuff was the name of a mythical strongman.  Mother used to tell me stories about him - she once told me that he was so strong, he could carry the island of Ninjago with just one hand.  She also said that not many people knew about him and his adventures and now it served as a great way to hide my identity.

Buddy Jr went back into the kitchen.

I quickly got dressed into my oversized uniform and headed over to the counter.  Within four hours, I had already got used to taking orders and serving dishes.  It was relatively easy and I was doing very well.

I glanced at the tables beyond me.  Everyone was eating happily and having a good time.  Another waiter came by and stood beside me, after serving a BBQ Chicken.  She was blond and a bit overweight, though her clothes were stuck to her like superglue.

"So, how are you doing, Dangerbuff?"

"Oh, it's great, thanks."

"Hey, guess who's over there," she pointed to a man, sitting on his own in a corner.  He had a finely trimmed mustache, heavily gelled hair and was wearing a black suit.  The more I stared at him, the more things I began to notice: a few wrinkles, a couple of hankies tucked into his pocket, his bright red tie... he was... Dad.

"The man with the walking stick?"

"Yeah, Lou bucket!" she squealed, "17th-time winner of the Ninjago Talent Night, founder of Ninjago Studios along with his brother Mark... oh gosh, that's him!"

"Go and serve him his pepperoni, Dangerbuff," Buddy Jr returned from the kitchen as he slid the plate in my hand.

I walked over to my Dad, which I hadn't seem for five years.

"Here's your pepperoni, sir.  Sir?" I called.  He seemed to not know that I was here.

"Mr Bucket?"

"Oh, thanks for waiting for me to finish humming my song," he finally focused on my face.  I started to panic.  What if he would recognise me?  What would happen next?  Would he send me back to the Marty Oppenheimer?  What would I tell him?  That I've been lying to him for five years?  That I've learned nothing?  What would he think then?

I tried to smile and calm down.

"My, such a handsome young man.  I bet my son would be jealous if he saw you," Lou blurted out loudly.

What did he just say?  I am his son!  Though he doesn't know that, thankfully.

Breathe, Cole, breathe.

"Where is he now?" I asked cunningly.

"The Marty Oppenheimer - 50 miles away, training to become just like his father.  It's been five years, though I never got back in touch with him.  I was thinking of writing a letter, after all the ones he's sent back - "

"No you can't!" I shouted.  He couldn't send any letters because nobody would reply and then the headmaster would call him and that means extra trouble...

"Why exactly?" Dad raised an eyebrow.

"Um, well, my... brother goes to... that... school, yeah and they told them not to send anymore letters because... um, they are... getting mixed up with another school's address," I muttered, wiping the beads of sweat from my forehead.  I hoped that was good enough.

Dad stared at my blankly.

"And since I'm also one of their ex-students... you know... "

"So why would you work here, if you understand the arts?"  his voice rose when he said the word 'arts'.  He liked to act as a detective - and he was a good one too.

"Hm... you see... I actually skipped a few grades and... this is... just a part-time job!  I'm waiting... for a callback or two - "

"Really?!" jumped Dad.  He began to get interested and pleased, "for what?"

"A musical," I said.  It was the first thing that came to mind.

"Wonderful, spectacular my boy!  I would be extremely glad if my son would achieve as much as you have - "

"Rocky Dangerbuff - table 9 still haven't got their Meat Lovers!" Buddy Jr barked.  Thank goodness.

"Um, I have to go now," I said, happy to get back to work.

"Well then, good luck and believe in yourself, Dangerbuff!"

I smiled and walked back to the kitchen, amazed to actually hear those words from his mouth travel to his son's mind and soul.

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