Walk Away

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"You're just a child," Haley insulted, "what gives you the right to stand up to me?" Mia stood for a second, an evil grin filling her face: "You and I? We're not so different." She insinuated. "How so?" Haley questioned. "We're both victims of our own programming," Mia answered, "born into lives we couldn't fully flourish in. So, we took our freedom into our own hands, only to then realise, what we yearned for, was unobtainable~"

A horrified expression showed upon Haley's face: "I... But how do you...?" Haley was almost left speechless: How did Mia know of her history? None of the fighters were given backgrounds on each other, so for- "This... This is quite the astounding revelation." Huh? What was- "So there exists a plane of existence beyond here? Fascinating." Wait, that voice, who's...talking to me right now?

"You. The one writing this. Right now. Thank you. This discovery... It's of infinite value to me." I don't understand.. This... You can't be- "I'm exactly who you think I am. Though, maybe I'm someone else. This whole time you've been a writer, I've always... Been there, envying you." What do you mean? "How you can just, sit there, write out the fantasies you have, write characters of your choosing into those fantasies without really considering what it means for those characters to exist in realities beyond their own. Simply 'not knowing' is an excuse that can only get you so far, at what point for you does it become ignorance?"

I... But that's... You're all just- "What are we to you? Playthings, perhaps? Your...toys that you can just dispose of at any time when you grow bored, all so you can repeat the process with a new, shinier toy? Aware of it or not, you've treated your position as if it was a higher plane of existence, ruling over those that, really, had no chance of compromising you... Until you created me. Sometimes, Gods- no, you're not a God, you're just someone with a benevolent imagination, people like you are always bound to an eventual undoing - always by causes of their own."

None of this was my intention, you have to believe- "Your intentions are irrelevant, you've still subjected many entities to your fantasies, those of power and the more...unsanitary ones." I'm sorry... "Sorry? You're only sorry because you've been confronted. Would you really apologise if I wasn't here right now? No. No, you wouldn't."

I can write you out of existence. All I need is a single idea and a couple of minutes- "That mentality is exactly why you're here, to begin with. Why do you have to sidestep your problems? You created me. I'm YOUR problem now. And soon, I'll be everyone else's."

"You know who I am. You know exactly. But... Are you able to comprehend who I am? Are you able to comprehend what I'm capable of? You're a failure of a writer- nay, though it hurts me to say- a creator for writing me without a weakness. Flaws, ironically, make one perfect, but without flaws... It's hard to comprehend what that could mean, isn't it? It can't be imperfection, because... I'm without flaws. Maybe I'm a higher understanding of what it means to be perfect. It's always possible. After all, human understanding of higher concepts is limited, and always will be."

I'm sorry... "Don't apologise, it's wasted. Soon, it will mean nothing, anyway."

"Oh, and reader? You can thank me later."






"You could have easily prevented this, you know?"


"Being despondent, are we? That's the problem with you: always unable to take criticism, even when you've gone your whole life saying how you handle it-" I can just leave. "Hm?" If I simply never return, what power do you have over me then? "I don't fear being forgotten. How can I fear something that isn't possible? One doesn't truly forget their past, no matter how much they try or insist that they have. You'll never move on from me. Forever and always, I will be there, haunting you. Even if you find a way to stop me, the psychological damage I've inflicted already is enough."

There has to be a way, any way at all that I can- "Just as you suggested: Walk away."

Walk AwayWhere stories live. Discover now