Blush?? Really?

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The concert starts and they start with a favourite:what makes you beautiful then little things, kiss you live while we're young and up all night. I shout and scream until im hoarse but still soo happy and excited.

Eventually the concert comes to an end but before they stop they announce that they are choosing one person to come up, get backstage tickets AND get tons of signed pics and even tickets to their next concert!!!!!!!!!

Oh how i wished it was me! Wel you never know......

Finally after what seemed like a year they announced it..... It was...... ME! ME? Really i was completely in shock?? Omg i was completely paralysed! Ally gives me a playful push and i stumble clumsily up the stage steps blushing as red as a tomato.

They ask me for my name; im about to answer and ...then niall interupts me saying shyly carly and blushing slightly. NIALL blushed about ME! ME, really?? ?

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