In The Event That Something Goes Wrong

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Dear--well, me.

What I am about to tell you might seem absolutely crazy, but I assure you, every bit of it is true. Miraculouses, superheroes, magic, all of it. I have hoped and prayed that it would never come to this, but even as I write this letter to you, I can feel the memories fading. Everything is becoming more and more distant. I struggle to recognize the faces of my closest allies, masked and civilian, though they may be one and the same. I am unsure how much time I have left.

Right now, we are packed into the back of this crowded van on a quest to return to the Miraculous Temple. I can only hope we can reach the Guardians in time to warn them. Something's coming. Something bigger than we could have ever imagined. We're putting everything at risk and even I cannot see how this will all turn out. Or course, by the time we either succeed or fail, I will not remember anything. Names, secrets, memories...and it will be up to you to take up the mantle of Protector in my place. 

You're going to ask me how all of this came about and why we are running to our certain deaths and the answer is not one that can be answered with a simple, "I'm sorry." However, in the short time we have left, I will do my best to explain what I can. But just know, that either way, you were a great person. You were noble and brave--even when you were afraid. And I think that is what makes you such a great hero--will make you a great hero.

It all began when we received a letter at a birthday party. 

No, actually, it started long before that. You were fourteen and it was the first day of school when you were thrown from your seat and sentenced to sit with the new girl who would ultimately become your best friend and one of your greatest allies. You will find the earrings and ring in your dresser. Read the inscribed note and follow the directions. Give them to the people you--I--we trust the most. They will not understand right away, but over time, I think they will. Chat Noir and Carapace agree to this as well. They understand the risks and know the next chosen will uphold the same respect and responsibilities that we have. 

In the event that something goes horribly wrong and the bonding does not take, the Miraclebox and title will fall permanently to one Guardian. There is no way to know which of us it will be chosen. Carapace prays that it will select me but I don't wish him to lose everything over our mistakes. We've come too far to lose so much. 

I can see the mountains in the distance now. We are mere hours away from war. 

Our parents, Tom and Sabine Dupain-Cheng, will not understand. They will not know why we suddenly have lost all of our memories, why we don't recognize them or anything of our life before. That is all part of the magic of the miraclebox. The unchosen lose all knowledge of who they are and of all previous life. We will be simply be a lonely teenager with no friends and the awkward ability to clutz everything up. But that is okay, because we will remake friends and Alya and Adrien won't let us go without a fight. They have already promised to tell us everything as soon as it is safe to do so. They don't like the plan, but there's no time to change it now.

 Alya Cesaire is your best friend. She is an awesome reporter and also secretly the fox superheroine, Rena Rouge. She was the one we trusted enough to tell the truth first. We have been training her to help the chosen Guardian if anything were to happen to us. As Nino's girlfriend, this seemed the easiest solution as we already know they will work well together.

Adrien Agreste is the love of your life. At first, you did not know this. But it became clearer over time. He is also your partner, Chat Noir. He is a famous model but we've come to love him for the person underneath the facade of perfection. Don't get enamored by his outward appearance for his strength is in his heart. Just see him for him and everything will be fine.

Nino Lahiffe is Carapace, your oldest friend, and, perhaps, before the night is out, the new Guardian of the Miraclebox. He is an amazing DJ and movie director, but he can also be extremely indecisive and self-conscious. You will have to remind him periodically that we chose him for a reason and that it is his responsibility to keep the kwami safe. Don't ask what the kwami are for that would take too much time to explain. He will tell you everything. But don't let him carry this burden alone. It is too much for any one person. Trust me. Help him where you can. Alya and Adrien will do the same. 

Time runs short, but there is still so much I must tell you, teach you, warn you. 

When you get home (and the others will help you get there), you will find a series of videos compiled onto your laptop. Watch them. They will explain everything I did not have the chance to. Listen to them. They are real and they will help you.

I know you must have so many more questions, but I fear I have time for only one more. And it is one of the most important that you will ever ask yourself; who are we? I hope this can help you find some kind of peace, with yourself and with those around you. Goodbye...and good luck.

I'm Marinette, just a normal girl with a normal life. But there's something about me that nobody knows yet, 'cause I have a secret...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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